单词 boots 例句大全,用单词boots造句:

The snow had almost melted, and my boots sank in up to the ankle.
Toy footwear or skating boots with ice or roller skates attached.
If you break in your new boots, they won't hurt your feet anymore.
当你的新靴子穿松软之后, 你的脚就不会痛了。
You can bet your boots that Benny will be admitted to a university.
Aye, I remember the boots well. A pair of Pumas. They still fit me!
恩呐, 我还记得那双球靴, 彪马的, 这双鞋现在还能穿!
Surplus stores sell discounted clothing, outerwear, boots and bags.
The Boots affair contributed in the damaging of the company's image.
Thief is forced over shoes over boots, go accordingly police station.
小偷只好将错就错, 跟著去警察局。
The traveler is complaining the new buying boots adhering to the mud.
Boots, it is finger height the long canister shoe to anklebone above.
靴, 是指高到踝骨以上得长筒鞋。
Flat boots and a little denim miniskirt is a look that cannot be beat.
The lo of Li Bing Yi below about ugg boots salivas almost flowed down.
He had a massive heart attack in the office and died with his boots on.
A silver belt was worn around her waist. Her foot had on the black boots.
她的腰上系着银腰带, 脚上套着黑色的靴子。
You can bet your boots that Johnny will come home when his money is gone.
Have the right messenger Lei, Huang yellow, green hanging don boots, belt.
右有雷使者, 黄衣黄巾, 绿吊敦靴, 玉带。
Not really. I was wearing the battered hiking boots that I use for cycling.
我还真不想擦鞋, 我骑车穿的是破烂的徒步靴。
The belt is from a friend, the bag is second hand and the boots by Wonders.
Ben stomped the snow from his boots and followed the others into the house.
You couldn't walk anywhere without getting slush over the top of your boots.
你不论走到哪里, 融雪都漫到你鞋面上来。
In ancient times, all courtiers had to wear special boots to enter the court.
The style includes baggy jeans, sweatshirts, hiking boots, and baseball caps.
The Osama bin Laden in drag doll comes in fetching pink tutu, tights and boots.
While words are falling a voice, once her bayonet accept ugg boots loosened him.
话落声的同时, 她匕首一收, 放开了他。
Actors wearing masks, wearing high boots at the end, the angle from actor to play.
演员戴面具, 穿高底靴, 女角由男演员扮演。

单词 boots 释义

  • 单词释义:擦靴人;长筒靴( boot的名词复数 );[品牌]博姿  [更多..]



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