单词 buddha 例句大全,用单词buddha造句:

Cloud, lightly wave to and for, imitate the Buddha an aged first the sage's smile!
云, 淡淡地飘着, 仿佛一个年老的先哲的微笑!
E. g. Amitabha Buddha has infinite life for helping countless beings in Pure Land.
It appeared that the Buddha, Temple Guanhai therefore being renamed the moon pool.
人们以为菩萨显灵, 观海寺因此逐渐被改称为明月池。
To keep you from giving alms food, and in this way to cause the Silent Buddha to die!
Her fervent prayers touched the heart of Buddha and so he appeared to grant her wish.
她的至诚, 感动了佛心, 于是现身遂其所愿。
Buddha said to Ananda, The majestic light of the Buddha Amitabha is the most exalted.
佛告阿难。无量 寿佛威神光明最尊第一。
Temple honors the Buddha, Tsongkhapa apprenticeship3, the mother of Buddha, and so on.
Leshan Giant Buddha impartial famous just sit in the Giant Buddha cardiothoracic site.
Over the years, she's shown her devotion by abstaining from meat and praying to buddha.
她长年吃斋念佛, 可诚心了。
Bro. Tam has agreed for spreading his Preface of Dharma Nectar of Medicine Guru Buddha.
In appreciation for this wonderful gift, the Silent Buddha raised his hand in blessing.
Accordingly, he praised the Buddha's heart through his drawings of the rivers and hills.
The work of aiding the world and saving the people is the duty of Buddha and Bodhisattva.
济世救人, 普渡众生是菩萨, 是佛的工作。
Nepal is the country of birth of Lord Buddha, the Apostle of Peace and the Light of Asia.
Sakyamuni Buddha originally attained to the state of Suchness, where sicknesses are absent.
Jataka bhanaka is mentioned to have been appointed even as early as the time of the Buddha.
The Buddha is made of a lot of compassion, and that is why Shakyamuni Buddha tried to help.
佛陀由大悲所成, 这也是释迦牟尼佛尽力帮助大众的原因。
Finally it was Buddha himself, in his infinite power and wisdom was able to tell them apart.
The altar table in front of the Buddha is covered with fresh fruits and a pagoda-shaped cake.
May i always call upon the name of the Buddha, and may the Buddha Amitabha always be with me.
一声佛号不离口, 阿弥陀佛常随身。
Ananda was very much attached to the Buddha and hence he was greatly affected by the incident.
Dharma Prince, Manjushri, receiving the Buddha arose from his seat, bowed at the Buddha's feet.
Generally speaking, Buddhism mainly refers to the doctrines of Buddha also called Buddha dharma.
Is paying respect to Buddha and seeking repentance in front of the Buddha the only way to repent
或是去礼佛, 在佛的面前求忏悔?这样才叫做忏悔是吗?
Yet Buddha also accepted reincarnation and transmigration as unquestioned premises to his system.

单词 buddha 释义



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