单词 B to B 例句大全,用单词B to B造句:

A sinks a well on his land to abstract underground water beneath B's land.
Mr. B cannot afford to buy daily necessities, let alone a beautiful house.
先生连日用品都买不起, 遑论漂亮的房子了。
the B team to shepherd. The brick layer to shepherd's architect. i get it.
山寨版谢博德 是谢博德的垫脚石头,我懂了
Paying service fee to Party B in accordance with Article5 of the Agreement.
Party A fails to pay social insurance premium for Party B according to laws.
Our ancestors started to use bronze mirrors in as early as the11th century B.
B. the average buyer is lazy, dislikes work, and will try to do asas possible.
I want to ask you a question. B. May I ask you a question? C. Have a question.
当你想问别人一个问题时, 你应该说
The author has done a B experience, also easy to let each reader shared hearts.
作者甲乙方都做过的经历, 也极易让每一个阅读者心生同感。
This license is personal to Party B and shall not be assignable to anyone else.
Scrutiny B information provided by the applicant to provide professional advice.
Hepatitis B circumstance, ask everybody to be decomposed, special acknowledgment!
乙型肝炎情况, 请大家分解一下, 非常感谢!
Party B notice Party A to party B Factory Acceptance in 10 days before shipments.
Assist the Part A and Part B to fill and complete the apartment leasing contract.
Western Region has been attributed to the territory of Chinas Han Dynasty since B.
B A single man is no more prone to be in an automobile accident than a married man.
b the original agreement referred to in article ii or a duly certified copy thereof.
B. Select the absorption of the weak and materials, or to a layer of adhesive coating.
Access B. At which layer of the hierarchical design model do users connect to the network.
The Spring and Autumn Annals is a historical record of the State of Lu from 722 to 481 B. C.
F. B. I. If you do not open the door, I am authorized to enter the premises by use of force.
联邦调查局,要是再不开门 我有权强行闯入。
Party A will sell to any third party only on orders previously quoted and approved by Party B.
According to the court s adjudication,party A should pay party B 500,000 yuan before this date.
If the infringement is not solved, Party B can complain to the Labor Administration Department.
According to the court's adjudication, party A should pay party B 500,000 yuan before this date.
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单词 B to B 释义

  • 单词释义:Business to Business 企业到企业的电子商务模式  [更多..]



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