单词 center 例句大全,用单词center造句:

it is a center with navel, left hand is anticlockwise massage abdomen 100 or above.
以肚脐为中心, 左手逆时针按摩腹部100次或以上。
Can now path across the center of the map, added a Tavern to the center of the map.
But as kundalini rises, on every center you start getting the light of that center.
但是当昆达里尼升起时, 在每一个中心你开始照亮它。
Characteristics of Acceleration of Instantaneous Velocity Center and Its Application
There fitness center, business center, shopping malls and outlets, such as aviation.
To learn an inside out swing stand at the center of the baseline by the center mark.
I have read the Primary School Reading Center Regulation, and I agree to abide by it.
本人已阅亲子阅读培训中心会员使用规则, 并同意遵守。
The purulent exudate with some hemorrhage is seen at the right in the abscess center.
Is it held good for the method of instantaneous center to the problem of acceleration?
We've now been able to endow this center and it has been renamed as the Keller Center.
如今我们能够为这个中心捐资, 并将其命名为凯勒中心。
Instantaneous Acceleration Center On the deflected obstacles in students'physical learning
Measuring and controlling the edge thickness difference and center aberration With projector
A new way of determining the acceleration of the instantaneous velocity center of plane image
Processing center spindle accelerator, the first point, boring and knives, big hole drilling.
It was the center of entertainment, of energy production, of work, the center of health care.
家是欢乐,动力 工作,和医疗的中心
Determination and application of instant center of acceleration for rigid body in plane motion.
This shopping center have a child care center where children are cared for short terms of time.
Autocontrol Department Of Nanjing Astronomical instruments Research Center. Academy OF Sciences.
During 2004, the visitor center s manager, John Cirone, completely overhauled the visitor center.
The material is in the center of the impeller part in view of the impeller center into feed tube.
The golden autumn ten months,the annual net abundant will convene in the Beijing Exhibition Center.
Operations and Intelligence Center, Combat and Training Division Operations and Intelligence Center
The golden autumn ten months, the annual net abundant will convene in the Beijing Exhibition Center.
金秋十月, 一年一度的网博会又将在北京展览馆召开。
We suggested getting help at the nearest educational adverstising center Educational Advising Center.
How can I get to the sauna center Please take the staircase, the sauna center is at the second floor.
按摩中心怎么走?从雨棚楼梯上二楼, 按摩中心在二楼。

单词 center 释义

  • 单词释义:中心,核心;焦点;(政党)中间派  [更多..]



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