单词 chaplain 例句大全,用单词chaplain造句:

When I was 14 a chaplain at school gave me a reading list.
我十四岁那年, 学校里的一名教士给了我一份阅读清单。
Our chaplain, Rev Tiong Chiw Ing, retired on 31st May 2008.
This Chaplain was a very young female with long blond hair.
这位牧师是一位非常年轻得女性, 有著长长得金发。
When I was first ordained, I served as a hospital chaplain.
United States Army Combat Developments Command Chaplain Agency.
patton chaplain , i want you to publish a prayer for good weather.
巴顿牧师, 我想要你发表一份祈求好天气的祷告文。
Chaplain 200 Casts Master level Bless, 1x per day, 0 hour duration.
He finally was ordained in 1615 and was named chaplain to the king.
The chaplain tried to solace the wounded and dying during the battle.
She would swear the same, in a manner of speaking, before chaplain.
Chaplain Sir, itsgoing to take a pretty thick rug for thatkindofpraying.
How you arrived to be the first Muslim chaplain at Princeton University?
If they can silence this chaplain today, they will silence you tomorrow.
如果他们能今天沉默这位神父, 他们明天将沉默您。
I am a semi retired Emergency Services Chaplain in good health and spirits.
我是一个半退休紧急服务牧师健康状况良好, 很精神。
Since you are an abbe, I will tell you that we had a chaplain in the galleys.
您既是神甫, 我就得和您说,
The prison chaplain came to me in my cell and tried to make a bargain with me.
At that point, a hospital chaplain came in, and for the first time I broke down.
I was about to strike him again when I was grabbed from behind by Chaplain Kerns.
再要打时, 被随军牧师克恩从身后拽住。
The chaplain quietened them down, then gazed at me for a moment without speaking.
而他却劝他们不要发火, 默默地看了我一阵子。
Congress, for example, has an official chaplain who opens the session with prayer.
The dying man asked the Chaplain to write a letter to his former Sunday school teacher.
member of armed forces whose duties do not include fighting as e.g. a chaplain or surgeon
职责在战斗之外但是武装力量的一员, 如牧师或医生
Member of armed forces whose duties do not include fighting as e. G. A chaplain or surgeon.
职责在战斗之外的武装力量的一员的, 如牧师或医生。
A member of the armed forces, such as a chaplain or surgeon, whose duties lie outside combat.
Such a matter would be unworthy of any inquiry and very unworthy of the consideration of the chaplain.
这样一件事不值得去研究, 而且更不值得牧师会去考虑。

单词 chaplain 释义

  • 单词释义:(王宫等的)附属教堂牧师;(军队、医院、监狱等的)牧师;犹太教教士;(在社团等会议上)执行宗教仪式的牧师(或俗人)  [更多..]



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