单词 dao 例句大全,用单词dao造句:

Dao is there when you know how to go forward or retreat appropriately.
要达到进退合理, 那才是道。
Could such Dao be carried from Tibet to hinterland with baggage on air
这种刀趁飞机时, 随行李打包能够从西藏带回内地吗?
Compare RingPommel Dao of Han Dynasty with Japanese 32 Pattern NCO Sword
Young I decided that cannot disappoint Xie Dao in any event to my trust.
If it's not Shun Dao, it should be the equiping Dao used by some forces.
Friendly Contacts of Buddhist Monk Dao Can with Literati in the Late Song
Therefore, the art itself is accordingly regarded as the revealing of Dao.
You have what truly learned, announce how many thesises, dare Dao Gu here?
The chronometry and cultural stage of Si Dao Gou that locates in Da Yao site
So the Dao mechanism and the Dao field are two aspects of the same Dao body.
Experimental Studies in Treating Acute Cholangitis with Yin Chen Dan Dao Tang
Comparison Between Du Fu and Jia Dao in the Art of Selection of Precise Words
Please prepare some Qin Dao Beer, Champagne, Mao Tai and Sunkist Orange Juice.
请准备一些青岛啤酒,香滨酒 ,茅台酒和新奇士橙汁。
How could I know the manners and changes from ancient to now, just through Dao.
It is called Dao cultivation so long as we can keep watching our thoughts well.
If its collected by other Dao friends, I believe its appraised to be fake antique.
如这是其他刀友收的, 相信会被评为假古董了。
This Dao is a harvest in Tibet, and it is said that the body was forged in Bhutan.
这把刀是去西藏的收获, 据说刀身打自不丹。
The Design Of The Intrnational Leather Delimits Ship Center In GuangZhou ErSha Dao
Dao and copper decorations are in Ming dynasty, but that iron hoop is hard to say.
An analysis of the Dao mind and human mind in the inner alchemy theory of Liu Yiming
刘一明丹道论中的道心, 人心辩析
Cherish the time, do our best, make it better. Seek the great Truth from Dao center.
唯有珍惜时光, 从道场中寻求真理, 尽最大努力, 变得更好。
To adulthood, jia dao zhong luo, then the shadow rule for India and carving industry.
Be how distant bulging mountain of Qian Dao Hu industry garden distance Xin An river ?
Like straight stick Dao or bayonet of crabstick sword. Superiors please comment on it.
She aided Xu Man Dao cup water, sit just along the avenue smilingly seeing at her to eat.
她帮徐曼到了杯水, 坐在对面笑眯眯的看着她吃。

单词 dao 释义

  • 单词释义:n.=dah;Data Access Objects,数据访问对象  [更多..]



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