Fresh flowers were laid out before the portrait of the deceased.
The woman who found the boy is the daughter of a deceased couple.
Insurance or pension money payable to a beneficiary of a deceased.
She choked with emotion when she spoke about her deceased husband.
当她说起她已故的丈夫时, 她情绪激动得哽住了。
A poem or song composed especially a lament for a deceased person.
Crying out to be comfort the deceased, the living heart, or by more.
A poem or song composed especially as a lamentfor a deceased person.
Food is placed in front of the coffin as an offering to the deceased.
A poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person.
The white ash can then be returned to the next of kin of the deceased.
Compared to end milling, the cutting allowance was deceased dramatically.
The Father's recently deceased brother is buried at the family graveyard.
So we exhumed body transferred his deceased mother into new steel casket.
把母亲棺材挖出来, 将尸体转移那副新钢制棺材。
As a family member of the deceased, he surely should be in deep mourning.
Deceased friends and relatives coming back from the dead and acting strangely.
你过世的朋友和亲戚死而复生, 行为古怪。
A published notice of a death, sometimes with a brief biography of the deceased.
Dowager A widow who holds a title or property derived from her deceased husband.
Tears stream down my cheeks when I recall the look of the deceased while in life.
当我回忆死者在世时的音容笑貌, 不禁泪流满面。
Every Armistice Day until 2007, he attended ceremonies honoring deceased veterans.
直到2007, 每年的停战日他都会去参加已故老兵的追悼仪式。
which is how happy the deceased would be to look down and see all of us assembled.
Investigation into A Long Brief Biography of a Deceased Person in the Song Dynasty
as a person who's living to relating to the deceased as a person who's an ancestor.
从与死者生前的联系 变为把死者 作为祖先的一员看待。
that is considered appropriate in terms of resources for the status of the deceased.
这些资源的准备 要与死者的地位相匹配。
Finally, the deceased emperor was buried in the imperial mausoleum on a selected day.
最后, 皇帝会在一个黄道吉日安葬在皇陵。
The vessels were often buried with the deceased, along with other earthly provisions.