单词 decadent 例句大全,用单词decadent造句:

And yet, when the woman become decadent she will lost the happy life.
The face is distressed, the heart is decadent, and the person helped.
Their similar nihilistic, decadent and pessimistic philosophy of life.
There are few foods that evoke as much passion as this decadent treat.
Watched it decadent. Was winding vine flowers, yellow soil was buried
But theirs is a decadent world where you have to be a rogue to survive.
但他们是一种腐朽的世界里, 你必须是一个流氓生存。
The head waiter's eye fell upon his frayed trousers and decadent shoes.
Have some sadness, depression, decadent, helpless nonmainstream pictures
有没有一些伤感, 忧郁, 颓废, 无奈的非主流图片?
some reveal the decadent life of noblemen and the seedy side of society.
When industry moves away, a flourishing town may quickly become decadent.
一度繁荣的城镇如果工业搬迁离开, 就会很快萧条下来。
Of course, this will bring some decadent capitalist influences into China.
A Study on Spatial Distribution Patterns of Decadent Disease of Chinese Fir
Decadent yet light as air, it just isn't dessert without this rich topping.
懒洋洋, 和空气一样轻, 甜点打顶不能没有它。
I want to go to an insular world, do not know this is decadent of so called
我想去一个与世隔绝的世界, 不知道这是不是所谓的颓废
Miss a chance, fell in love with the lonely, flamboyant past, decadent now.
错过一个机会, 爱上了寂寞, 华丽的过去, 颓废了。
The ketchup, red and decadent, embedded with little flecks of grated onion.
Crazy thoughts through loneliness, the temptation to blur the very decadent.
Evolution and Causes of Decadent Literary Trend of Thought in the New Period
It was suppressed in the early 1920s, stamped as decadent and individualist.
You want me to mature, I give you my mature, but my mature not decadent.
I said there is nothing wrong, but once the disappointment, I will be decadent.
我说没有错, 而一旦失望的时候, 我就会颓废。
Many conservatives in the early 1898s thought impressionistic art was decadent.
Finally, he left, leaving all the deposit, and the more decadent blockhead face.
有时候喜欢有一点音乐, 带一丝颓废的味道, 低迷!
Please do not do anything that would let me decadent things considered, I beg you.
请不要做任何会让我考虑腐朽的东西, 我求你。
We are chasing after decadent happiness, intoxicated with the beauty of loneliness.

单词 decadent 释义

  • 单词释义:堕落的,颓废的;文艺颓废期的,颓废派的;衰微的  [更多..]



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