单词 aftermath 例句大全,用单词aftermath造句:

Faubus had actually done that in the aftermath of the Central High crisis.
在小石城中心高中危机之后, 福伯斯的确做过这样的事。
In the aftermath of the coup, the troops opened fire on the demonstrators.
Its consumption increased when regrowth or aftermath herbages were grazed.
In the aftermath of the trial, charges of corruption have begun to surface.
The Study of the Kuomingtang Party Members Present at the Aftermath Meeting
Why was it so much easier to cut debt in the immediate aftermath of the war
? Civilian property was destroyed during and in the aftermath of the attack.
As such, it would be wrong to read too much into the aftermath of the visit.
这样看来, 过度解读奥巴马访华得后果将是错误得。
Large numbers of businesses went bankrupt in the aftermath of the recession.
The news media are now focusing on the triumphant aftermath of the Olympics.
We shared the pain and sorrow of New York in the aftermath of those attacks.
And it's been used most famously in Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake.
最著名的是它被运用在 震后的海地。
My Neighbor, My Enemy Justice and Community in the Aftermath of Mass Atrocity
我的邻居, 我的敌人大多数暴行后果的司法与社会
Cleaning up the aftermath of a bubble is easier and less expensive, he argued.
他声称, 清理泡沫的后果更容易, 花费更少。
In its aftermath, the US is much more conscious of the limits to its own power.
危机过后, 美国更清楚地认识到了自身实力的局限。
But we have many big expenses like the Olympics and the aftermath of the earthquake.
但我们有许多大笔支出, 例如奥运会和地震后的工作。
THE AFTERMATH of childhood abuse can manifest itself at any age in a variety of ways.
At last he came across the aftermath of crash, broken glass and blood was everywhere.
Women and girls should not be seen only as victims during conflict and its aftermath.
Germany in the aftermath of World War I was gripped by anarchy and political violence.
一次大战后, 德国处于无政府状态, 政治斗争十分尖锐。
In the aftermath of Fukushima, expect to hear that more often from the nuclear sector.
Those who taste instant success usually falter quickly in the aftermath of their luck.
Both Ms. Milliken and Ms. Hwang, were fearful of a potentially uncomfortable aftermath.
In the aftermath of the attacks, countless civilians were treated for trauma and shock.
If one delays cutting till an advanced state of maturity, aftermath growth will be slow.
如果等到成熟后期再收割, 以后的牧草生长将变得缓慢。

单词 aftermath 释义

  • 单词释义:后果,创伤;余波  [更多..]



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