单词 ado 例句大全,用单词ado造句:

Currency Crashes in Industrial Countries Much Ado About Nothing
Currency Crashes in Industrial CountriesMuch Ado About Nothing.
And now, without further ado, let me introduce our benefactor.'.
It's really you that I wish to see, I came out with no more ado.
On second thought, why don't we start with much ado about nothing?
重新考虑过 重新考虑过?
ADo you know where I can get the internet I want to send some emails.
你知道我在哪里可以上网吗 我想发几封电子邮件。
They must be transferred to The Hague and Arusha without further ado.
Situation Two ADo you think ti is very difficult to learn English well
Without further ado, I now present the Cleveland symphony Orchestra.
Having completed this check, you may apply the axioms without further ado.
完成了这样地检查, 您就可以放心大胆地运用定理了。
Now, without further ado, let me introduce our new colleague, Mr. Ovington.
好, 不再嗦了, 我来给大家介绍新同事奥文顿先生。
The administrator could not bear the ado and tried to adjust this situation.
And such a wantwit sadness makes of me, That I have much ado to know myself.
忧愁把我弄得如此糊涂, 以致我很难有自知之明了。
If the outcome isnt substantial, it will be much ado about nothing, he said.
他说, 如果没有实质性的结果, 那就是白忙活一场了。
Become a world, are going to innovation a world, this much ado about nothing.
Without more ado, young comrade asked how do you eat the fart also vomit HeEr.
The moment he heard the news, he jumped up and shouted slogans without any ado.
他一听到这个消息, 他就跳起来, 立马就喊起口号来!
The servants likewise used me saucily, and had much ado to keep their hands off me.
有几个仆人对我很无礼, 要他们的手不碰我是很难的。
it struck her as exceedingly important, and without ado she went to look for her purse.
These tasks are designed to help you become familiar with the ADO. NET Entity Framework.
When dealing with teenager issues, parents need to be careful not make much ado about nothing.
在处理青少年问题时, 父母亲要小心不要无事自扰。
The experiments showed that low concentrations of ADO improved the resistance of plant seedlings.
She studied how to arrange her hair and there was much ado about that before it was finally adjusted.
After days of blinding mist, surely you would rather wish to have a taste of Hell itself without further ado.
When we discover that we are only partially implementing this principle, we should correct it without much ado.
执行当中有了片面性, 就改嘛。

单词 ado 释义

  • 单词释义:无谓的忙乱;毫不耽搁地;干脆地;立即  [更多..]



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