单词 aforesaid 例句大全,用单词aforesaid造句:

The employer may, on the basis of aforesaid regulation, terminate the labor contract.
用人单位依据前述规定, 均可以终止劳动合同。
Except as aforesaid such article of transport shall be considered the package or unit.
He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, which wear thou as aforesaid.
他原是座天使, 统率着30个恶魔军团, 这是他的封印。
Foreign exchange control agencies are entitled to regulate and inspect aforesaid issues.
The effects of the income tax on the aforesaid modulation shall be taken into consideration.
The people's court shall reject the appeal that does not conform to the aforesaid stipulations.
The aforesaid accountability system effectively regulates acts of administrative lawenforcement.
Application forms and the aforesaid pamphlets can be obtained free from the following locations.
In conclusion, this paper analyzed the degree of indeterminate of the aforesaid measure methods.
The translation of comparable financial statements shall be subject to the aforesaid provisions.
Where documents cannot be served by the aforesaid means, they shall be served by a public notice
不能用上述方式送达的, 公告送达
The aforesaid adjustment shall be reported to the competent taxation authorities archival filing. 2.
The aforesaid institutions exclude the foreignfunded financial institutions established within China.
Those who have violated the aforesaid provisions shall have their right to issue visa notice revoked.
Anyone who happens to see the aforesaid man should immediately contact and inform the police substation.
如果有人见到此人, 请立即报告派出所。特此公告。
As sorbitol is one of the polyhydric alcohols, the aforesaid Regulations are not applicable to sorbitol.
由于山梨醇是多羟醇得一种, 因此该规例不适用于山梨醇。
As sorbitol is one of the polyhydric alcohols, the aforesaid regulations are not applicable to sorbitol.
由于山梨醇是多羟醇的一种, 因此该规例不适用于山梨醇。
The king chose his minister Heliodorusand sent him with instructions to expropriate the aforesaid wealth.
王遂选派总理大臣赫略多洛, 奉命去没收上述的钱财。
At last, according to aforesaid theoretical and empirical analysis, we put forward some policy suggestions.
The central competent authority may draw on the Petroleum Fund to purchase the aforesaid security stockpile.
The credit amount of the aforesaid consumer loans shall be as prescribed by the Central Competent Authority.
前项消费者贷款额度, 由中央主管机关定之。
If the company has entrusted loans, it shall disclose the issue with a reference to the aforesaid entrustment.
Joint ventures shall not pay foreign currency or foreign exchange certificate to the aforesaid establishments.
The alteration of registration matters refers to changes on matters not mentioned in the aforesaid paragraphs.
Dunhuang books later recovered from places like temples of local gods are material proof of the aforesaid view.

单词 aforesaid 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.上述的,前述的(常用于法律文件)  [更多..]



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