单词 ah 例句大全,用单词ah造句:

Ah Kin nodded his head many times and accepted the offer.
阿金连连点头, 接受了这份工作。
So when the children see this, they say, Ah, acceleration.
孩子们看到这个 他们就会说 这不就是加速吗
Very tired ah how is met do I get such incurable disease ah
Ah, sea, all of you are water!Ah, horse, you have four legs!
An'Ah din'know you wuz in'Lanta. Ah thought you wuz at Tara.
我也不知道您就在亚特兰大, 我还以为您在塔拉呢。
Ah, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh, oh And if only you could see into me
How to a headache a little while a little while indolence ah?
What does lath lath eat can get fat ah, consult medical ace,.
How to adjust oneself mood ah, I am very depressive recently!
怎么调节自己的心情啊, 我最近很压抑啊!
Ah, I finally put on the red scarf, what a wonderful time ah!
啊, 我终于戴上红领巾啦, 多么美好的时光啊!
How does ability make me thin come down inside a week 5 jins ah
Hey, ah, ah Hey. Who does not moved to the glory of the people.
嘿呀, 嘿呀。谁不为人心的光辉感动。
Rise to able to feel hand joint aches everyday, is this why ah ?
每天起来都会觉得手关节疼, 这是为什么啊?
Ah, Ada, theyve started playing a waltz. Would you spare this d.
We dare not accept the order now, should assure time shipment ah!
我们现在都不敢接单了, 要保证按时出货啊!
They shall not lament for him, saying, Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!
Tomorrow to troupe playgoing ah!Tomorrow to troupe playgoing ah!!
Hey, you this has just been rem ah, is still ready to shocking ah.
哟, 你这是刚被雷过啊, 仍是预备去雷人啊。
How did I eat green Chinese onion and honey to do ah can toxic ah?
Ah, the poets prophecy of Me how admirable, how dreadfully admirable!
The tortoise also grew four legs,climb ah,climb ah,climb really slowly.
Ah! Captain harris, our expert in surveillance, will be accompanying us.
啊!哈里斯上尉!我们的密探, 也来加入我们了!
Well, Ah ain'nebber set down wid w'ite folks an'Ah is too ole ter learn.
不过我从来没和白人坐在一起过, 现在太老了, 也学不会了。
Ah ah how to go accost spider, I did not say here, the method is too much.
Ah ah!What ceaseless destruction, ceaseless creation and ceaseless efforts!
啊啊!不断的毁坏, 不断的创造, 不断的努力哟!

单词 ah 释义

  • 单词释义:int.啊,哈 [军] Attack Helicopter,攻击直升机 (AH) 希吉拉纪元,伊斯兰教纪元  [更多..]



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