The behavior of apersonduring his lifetime, be if good or evil, is accumulated over time.
A man of virtue helps others to achieve their moral perfection but not their evil conduct.
君子成人之美, 不成人之恶。
Don't chance nervous inquiry, evil resist evil at wait small fox to regulate emotion well.
Concerning him the accusers stood and brought no charge of the evil things I was suspecting.
Death is neither good nor evil, for good or evil can only be something that actually exists.
死亡, 非善亦非恶, 因为善与恶只能是一种客观的存在。
He always has a strong hatred of evil practices and he hopes to do away with evil completely.
他向来疾恶如仇, 去恶务尽。
His absolute fairness and abhorrence of evil won him the confidence and support of the masses.
Three ages ago the struggle of good abundance timest evil were compressed into a single morning.
Omri did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and did more evil than all who were before him.
Banish ignorance to gain enlightenment. Avoid evil to be good. Abandon delusion to seek the truth.
The police finally catch up with, enable the evil person to have the retribution for evil doing.
Suddenly feel a burst of and humid in the shoulder, evil resist evil know is a small fox is crying.
Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil.
Abettors of crime put youngsters up to all sorts of evil while staying in the background themselves.
Meanwhile, the Monkey King had stayed awake due to his suspicions of the evil intentions of the abbot.
The Marchction of law is to punish evil comNorwayd aboard of morality is to remineralsd grbordermother.
President Chavez answered journalists who accused Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia of forming an axis of evil.
Are we fair and reasonable to people around us? Don't abuse the weak and poor and don't accept bullies and evil.
If there is no evil cause, there is no evil effect. If you cultivate good causes and conditions, you will be happy.
Both were susceptible, in the highest degree, of the sort of hideous progress which is accomplished in the direction of evil.
It's like staying in a fish market and getting used to the stink; long exposure to a bad environment accustoms one to evil ways.
Now the peasants are using the checking of accounts as an occasion to bring down a great many of the local tyrants and evil gentry.
Also, pictures of the god of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance.
She never learned to differentiate between good and evil. He never distinguishes the good from the bad and always returns good for evil.
When the upright man, turning away from his righteousness, does evil, death will overtake him; in the evil which he has done death will overtake him.