单词 exceed 例句大全,用单词exceed造句:

To perform improvement programs to achieve or exceed desired production yields levels.
Flank a few man kids in addition to exceed grams to all emulate to build a big rumpus.
Enough booze is sold for every adult to exceed recommended drinking limits every week.
In some applications it is not possible to reach or exceed the requisite minimum load.
在有些应用中, 不可能达到或超过必要最低负荷。
In other words, the aggregate amount to be deducted should not exceed 12,000 in a year.
Life in the snow and icebound, whole day amusedly exceed grace calmly of gentleman step.
If join siliceous zirconium excessive, the radioactivity of ceramic tile can exceed bid.
By the time I got out of school, the comedy money had begun to exceed the day-job money.
Strip roughness must not exceed 40 microinch order to achieve these minimum coat weights.
The amount recognized for the reimbursement should not exceed the amount of the provision.
Just half a liter of tainted drinks could be enough to exceed safe levels in an adult body.
Eliminate costly fines by ensuring effluent arsenic levels do not exceed regulatory limits.
Yu said that the whole year is expected to exceed of billions of Taobao transaction volume.
张宇表示, 淘宝网全年有望突破千亿交易额。
Surface tension makes the pressure inside a bubble exceed the pressure of its surroundings.
The Executive Director shall ensure that total expenditure does not exceed available budget.
However, the accessibility domain of a nested type cannot exceed that of the containing type.
但是, 嵌套类型的可访问域不能超出包含类型的可访问域。
This means that additional climate forcing should not exceed about one watt per square meter.
Like this calculated that down, in the new home window blind money might exceed expenditures.
这样算下来, 新房里得窗帘钱可又超支了。
Maturity is how many days, if exceed formulary day, number should pay tax of how many accrual.
The amount of loans made by a credit union shall not exceed the amount of its ownership capital.
The manufacturer's maximum liability shall not exceed the actual purchase price paid the product.
If maximum recoat is exceed, roughening of the surface is necessary to ensure intercoat adhesion.
Excess baggage charges will be collected if the items exceed your free checked baggage allowance.
如您的寄舱行李超过免费寄舱限额, 您须缴付超额行李费。
The amount of the antidumping duty to be paid may be closeto, but not exceed, the dumping margin.
And I could play basketball, with a consuming passion that would always exceed my limited talent.
我喜欢打篮球, 我会用我对它的热爱弥补天赋上的不足

单词 exceed 释义



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