However, the Task Force is now at full strength and operating at full speed.
You were able to change some tactical settings from the full time team talks.
Our life cannot always be full of happiness but it can always be full of love!
Woe to the city of blood, full of lies, full of plunder, never without victims!
that I'm experiencing the full connection and full consciousness of inner space.
我体验到与内心世界的 完全联接和全部意识
Lily Ill be glad to. Its full name is saxophone, and sax is the abbreviated form.
We stand looking forward to a century which is full of promise and full of peril.
The cities are full of the unknowns, and full of precious legacies and mysteries.
在那里, 充满了未知, 充满了历经沧桑的宝贵遗产。
Abbreviated author and title reference. Full citation is on the bibliography card.
Full operating mode training and full range simulation are realized on this basis.
For I dreamed that my bower was full of red swine and my brides bed full of blood.
我梦到我的凉亭都是红色的野猪, 我新娘的床上满是鲜血
It's full of history, and also full of underground bunkers and ruins from the war.
A general purpose cartridge having a primer and a ball and a full charge of powder.
In full as usual But the copy he gave him had not been written out in full as usual.
A dynamic full stall is performing a full stall when the glider is behind the pilot.
review the full text of the testator to the full understanding and without objection
He is full of anger towards his parents that abandoned him when he was only years old.
Muzzle is firm, full, and round with a stronger lower jaw projecting from full cheeks.
稳固, 丰满, 圆, 结实的下颌从面颊向前突出。
I am fell so full now. It was the first time I ate lobster as staple food and was full.
我现在超饱, 这是我第一次把龙虾当主食, 还能吃饱。
Two switches will automatically be set to indicate full open and full closed positions.
Prepare chains, because the land is full of bloodshed and the city is full of violence.
要制造锁炼 为这地遍满流血的罪,邑充满强暴的事。
He is full of anger towards his parents that abandoned him when he was only 2 years old.
and after full review by the testator to the testator until the full consent and approval.
His waiting jungle, full of deadly traps, thesavage aborigines, and motor vehicle homicide!
游戏中, 你将遇到各种陷阱, 野蛮人和机关敌人阻碍你。
Full of your face, full of the sound of your words, I sat in between the sticks this Indus.