The Mayas have spent a great deal of time calculating the astral bodies in your galaxy.
The faint band of light that stretches across the sky is the disc of our spiral galaxy.
Tegmark is an expert in analyzing the cosmic microwave background and galaxy clustering.
Occasionally, you will make a planet or a star or a galaxy or a hundred billion galaxies.
偶然造出个行星 恒星 星系 或是一千亿个星系
If you look at Andromeda, which is the nearest big galaxy, and it's two million years ago.
如果你看离我们比较近的仙女座星系 那是两百万年以前的
Briefing by the Office of Human Resources Management on Galaxy for Fifth Committee members
These dots represent transmitters broadcasting from various locations in the pegasus galaxy
In our Milky way, this galaxy, there are over one hundred billion stars, just in our galaxy!
在我们的银河系, 就这个星河, 已经有超过一百亿颗星!
Granted, at least Galaxy Nutritional Foods explains what casein is in their ingredients list.
This is a very large circular collection of stars and gas that surrounds our Milky Way galaxy.
To recoup the 1. 9 billion it cost to build the Galaxy, it will have to attract a lot of losers.
为了收回19亿的建设成本, 银河必须吸引大量输家。
Weber claims recently to have observed gravitational waves coming from the centre of the galaxy.
Galaxy clusters are the biggest structures in the cosmos, containing literally trillions of stars.
A diffused gammaray glow from the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy is clearly seen across the middle.
Last weekend, Series B witnessed the first win of Juventus, the disgraced galaxy of talent athletes.
上周末, 落魄豪门尤文图斯队取得了意乙首胜。
And then you just look around the little galaxy there, like the little ball of light thats blinking.
The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, and we are located in one of the spiral arms, called the Orion Arm.
银河系是一个旋涡星系, 我们都设在一个螺旋臂, 称为猎户臂。
The former Manchester United player s contract with Los Angeles Galaxy runs out at the end of December.
OIOS has also been active in using the electronic Performance Appraisal System and the new Galaxy system.
Old Farmers Almanac www. Almanac. Com Various odds and ends including a galaxy of astronomical resources.
East of Antares, dark markings sprawl through crowded star fields toward the center of our Milky Way Galaxy.
Troubled Galaxy, and accompanied by a sigh soon as secluded, gently licking the baffle inner pain and chilling.
Shaanxi is one of the cradles of the Chinese civilization, with a galaxy of cultural relics and historic sites.
Standard operating procedure at Los Angeles Galaxy games will undergo a shift with the arrival of David Beckham.
There are between a hundred and two hundred billion galaxies, with each galaxy having an average of over one billion stars.