单词 budge 例句大全,用单词budge造句:

No matter what we said, he just wouldn't budge.
不管我们说什麽, 他就是不肯让步。
So far the software maker has refused to budge.
Little John picked up the lamp, but didnt budge.
Once his mother had said no. she wouldn't budge.
She stepped on the gas but the car didn't budge.
她踩油门, 但汽车开不动。
We tried to lift the rock but it wouldn't budge.
我们试图把大石头抬起来, 但它连动都没动一下。
But Republicans in Congress have refused to budge.
I'm sorry. I talked to him, but he wouldn't budge.
If you will not budge at all, we will get nowhere.
如果你方不肯让步, 我们会毫无进展。
On this matter, dont expect the GOP to budge much.
此问题上, 不要指望大老党能有一点让步。
The men all bore down, but the stone wouldnt budge.
人们使出了吃奶的劲儿来推, 石头却依然纹丝不动。
The Israelis are not going to budge on any of that.
We argued for an hour but he wouldn't budge an inch.
Neither side would budge in the ongoing negotiation.
They pushed and pushed but the rock would not budge.
他们推了又推, 石头纹丝不动。
I heaved with all my might but still couldnt budge it.
On that policy she took her stand, and would not budge.
她坚持这个立场, 毫不动
The old philistine won't budge. too arty, don't you know
那是老俗人不肯松口太附庸风雅了, 你们不知道吗?
We've tried everything but they won't budge on the price.
However, the owner wouldn't budge and stood there rigidly.
可是摊主无动于衷, 直挺挺地站着。
We tried to make the kitten leave, but it would not budge.
I got a grip on the boat and pulled but I couldn't budge it.
Smith urged him again and again, but Buckingham didn't budge.
That baby can scream into a bullhorn, And Johnny won't budge.
你孩子朝婴儿监控器大哭 而强尼动都懒得动。
The door was closed and would not Budge though I pushed hard.
门关着, 尽管我用力推, 但门连动都没动。

单词 budge 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)稍微移动;(使)改变主意,(使)让步;(立场等)动摇;推动  [更多..]



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