单词 care 例句大全,用单词care造句:

I don't care. I don't care. Let me help you Just get out my house, all right?
我不在乎,我不在乎,让我帮你 滚出我得屋子,好吗?
Care during pregnancy and childbirth, perinatal care and care for the newborn.
I do not care about age and appearance, and only really care about you love me!
我不在乎年龄和相貌, 只在乎你是不是真的爱我!
Trauma care policy development needs to better encompass childhood trauma care.
Feet care, mini facial care, neck and shoulder massage, thenar massage with balm
I recommend you to take care of minutes, for hours will take care of themselves.
建议你珍惜分分秒秒, 因为时间是由分秒组成的。
You dont realize how much you care about someone until he doesnt care about you.
Orphans and abandoned children are cared for through government funded care homes.
Should politician care about public opinion ?Should they care about opinion polls ?
Who takes care of the elderly when they are no longer able to care for themselves ?
当老人不能照顾自己时, 谁来照顾他们?
Yes. Please take good care of yourself. It makes sense to take care of your health.
Nonexistence of reliable home care, elder care, hospice, or rehabilitation resources.
The health care department is the health care administration department in a hospital.
Care for people with mental disabilities is an integrated aspect of Dutch health care.
Application of comfort care theory to care for the dying patients with hepatocarcinoma
If the child is in foster care, the provisions of the Child Care Act must be satisfied.
如果孩子是被领养的, 必须符合儿童保护法案的条款。
The big areas of spending in health care are hospitalization, physicians, nursing care.
The utility model relates to a health care article, in particular to a health care bra.
本实用新型涉及一种保健用品, 特别涉及一种保健文胸。
You want to care about him with tenfold or even centuple love to redound upon his care.
Care requirements differ for individual patients in the heart failure continuum of care.
Repositioning the tube may facilitate drainage. Mouth care and nasal care are essential.
It was able, but only it was able, to organize health care, education, policing, justice.
它能够但是仅仅能组织起 医疗保健,教育,治安和司法。
Disseminating hygienic and health care knowledge and instructing patients in health care.
Objective To investigate the effect of collaborative care model in perinatal health care.
Marginal lands need care. Failing to take that care might only make a bad situation worse.
贫瘠土地需要料理, 料理不周只会使境况变得更糟。

单词 care 释义

  • 单词释义:关心,在意;愿意;照顾;(礼貌询问)要  [更多..]



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