单词 catch 例句大全,用单词catch造句:

We are working hard to catch up with the advanced world levels.
我们正在努力工作, 以赶上世界先进水平。
And I wouldn't even catch the response. A sad state of affairs.
Got hot catch a cold, are nose and voice afflictive how to do ?
得了热伤风, 鼻子和嗓子难受怎么办?
You need to catch some sleep if you want to catch up in school.
Well, I am afraid I have to leave now. I have to catch my plane.
My friend's hands are catching the baseball. Catch, catch, catch.
He shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.
If the rain to catch up, we had no access to get all into the mud!
要是赶上一场雨的话, 我们是出不来进不去了, 都成泥了!
Catch shares around for awhile, but they've been slow to catch on.
Jim shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.
According to the man, why did he always catch such an early train ?
We are striving to catch up with and surpass advanced world levels.
The soldiers ran hard and tried to catch up to the advanced battalion
士兵们拼命地跑, 想赶上先头部队。
EVery abundance Saturday, IT heads over with IT beau to catch a movie.
The fans of the actress craned necks to catch a glimpse of their idol.
However, the added control does not catch up with postback data processing.
但是, 所添加控件不参与回发数据处理。
We advert hoped to catch the early carand nevertheless and found it was gone.
我们本希望搭早班车, 却觉察车已开了。学会被动。
The acting was excellent, but I could catch only half of what the actors said.
Are advised to catch the Swindon train This is the subway interchange station.
You can easily catch Asian elephant, but you cant easily catch Asian elephant.
你可以很容易地抓到一只亚洲象, 却很难抓到一头非洲象。
To adjust or come to a focus. Make not your sauce till you have catch the fish.
Take time to catch up on gossip and make plans to do a little adventure travel.
If I catch the midnight, I can get to Berlin and be back by tomorrow afternoon.
如果午夜赶去, 明天下午我能赶回来。
Our team must catch up with and surpass the advanced world levels of basketball.
They are making every effort to catch up with the advanced level in our country.

单词 catch 释义

  • 单词释义:接住;抓住;当场抓住;捕捉;得病;及时赶上;听见;去做某事;击中  [更多..]



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