单词 anonymity 例句大全,用单词anonymity造句:

Welcome the coming age of electronic money, but safeguard the anonymity of cash
He made itclear that he didnt want to be found by signing a waiver of anonymity.
他明确表示, 自己不愿因签字放弃匿名, 而被人发现。
Motivational Memo True greatness is often fashioned in the secrecy of anonymity.
Unlike most Olympian Classicists before him, he preferred anonymity and privacy.
Such reports shall be treated with the appropriate confidentiality and anonymity.
The journalists spoke on the condition of anonymity, fearing government reprisal.
The official insisted on anonymity because of the sensitivity of currency issues.
So more patients travel for treatment to countries where anonymity is still legal.
The official spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.
这位官员不愿透露姓名的发言, 由于问题的敏感性条件。
Application of Document Inspection Techniques in Detecting Anonymity Extortion Cases
Together, the two nobodies can enjoy each others company and their shared anonymity.
In an age of sophisticatedgenetic testing, the concept of anonymity is rapidly fading.
在精密的基因检测时代, 匿名的概念迅速消失。
The problem is the anonymity of bitcoin is also what attracts thugs in the drug world.
What about the anonymity wanted for whistleblowers, confessionals, and dating personals?
The prevalence of anonymity in online debates has helped to spawn a culture of aggression.
A more secure network is one that would almost certainly offer less anonymity and privacy.
They make it also a bit safer for the participants because they give the part of anonymity.
网络的匿名性则 提高了参加反抗运动的安全性。
Elopement must then on anonymity, the relentless torrent of life in the struggle to survive.
They spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to release the information.
他们不愿意透露姓名, 因为他们没有授权发布消息。
Moreover, in case of anonymity misuse, a group manager can recover the issuer of a signature.
而且, 一旦发生争议, 群管理员可以识别出签名者。
Both those officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.
因为此事的敏感性, 这两位官员只能以匿名的身份说。
Mr Chan, who emerged from anonymity only after Ms Wang's death, attended the hearing yesterday.
在龚如心去世后才浮出水面的陈振聪, 昨日出席了庭审。
The scheme was verified to satisfy the security demand of full anonymity and full traceability.
Prof. Charles Francis Xavier Anonymity is the mutants first defense against the worlds hostility.
The anonymity of the process removes the possibility that people could use it to smear individuals.

单词 anonymity 释义

  • 单词释义:匿名,不知姓名;无特色  [更多..]



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