单词 armpit 例句大全,用单词armpit造句:

A body part analogous to the armpit, such as the hollow under a birds wing.
腋部类似于腋窝的身体部位, 比如鸟翅下面的空隙
The Application of Vertical Cut Under the Armpit in Resection of Lung Tumor
Injury and treatment of armpit skin after radiation of operated beast cancer
Treatment of Hircismus with Whole Skin in Armpit Crimple with Small Incision
On your next exhalation, slide your left armpit closer to of your right thigh.
Legal holds are Armpit holds, Waist holds, Hand to hip holds, and Hand to hand.
Measure from top shoulder seam down to deepest point of armpit following curve.
Such as groin patieats, periumbilical ditch, armpit areas such as the patieats.
如腹股沟襞, 脐沟, 腋下襞等部位。
Your armpit is one of the smelliest, if not the most smelly, parts of your body.
Results The temperature of the groin had no differences than the armpit and neck.
I am going to take your temperature. Please put the thermometer under your armpit.
Just put this thermometer under your armpit and Ill see if youve got a temperature.
把这个体温表放在腋下, 我看看您是不是发烧。
The guide GaoTui, refers to the west lake in michmash, still must the armpit three.
Your temperature must be taken twice a day. Now put the thermometer in your armpit.
From the right and left side floating ribs to the armpit chest, feel yourself ascend.
Just put this thermometer under your armpit and Ill see if you had got a temperature.
把这个体温表放在腋下, 我看你是不是发烧。
The flower is small, bisexual, compositive armpit is born or acrogenous cyme or panicle
花小, 两性, 组成腋生或顶生的聚伞花序或圆锥花序
Nurse I am going to take your temperature.Please put the thermometer under your armpit.
Probe into time requiring of temperature taking from armpit by glass mercury thermometer
Surgical arterial canal ligation with vertical incision under left armpit 28 cases report
develop swollen or tender lymph nodes , especially in the neck , groin , or armpit.
What Jack had learnt in jail, unfortunately, turned out to be the adoration of the armpit.
With your hands and arms at your side and the ball firmly under the attacking arms armpit.
手和手臂垂于体侧, 球牢靠地置于攻击手腋下。
On hand to hold the edge of bra. And another hand to press fat into bra from back and armpit.
一手托住内衣下缘固定, 另一手将背后, 下的脂肪拨入罩杯内。
Pull the bandanna loop up your arm inside of your shirt, to where the knot is in your armpit.

单词 armpit 释义

  • 单词释义:腋窝;胳肢窝;丑陋的地方;肮脏的角落  [更多..]



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