Analysis of Northern China Puppet Army Military Academy and its Slavery Education
Acquisition Contract Management of American Army and Its Enlightenment to Our Army
Now our own state had been established and our Red Army had become a regular army.
Then he fired the secretary of the Army and forced out the Army's surgeon general.
Liability and validity analysis of group intelligence test of army academy students
Judas with his army advanced to fight, and six hundred men of the king's army fell.
犹大和他得军队一临阵, 王得军队便阵亡了六百人。
The army Army and airforce Air Force built the Redstone, Jupiter and Atlas rockets.
We demand the abolition of the mercenary army and the foundation of a peoples army.
第二十二条, 我们要求废止雇佣军, 建立人民的军队。
The enemys army retreated about 50odd miles, which made our army gain vantage ground.
敌军的部队后撤了50余里, 使我军获得了有利地形。
A personage that is to Lei Jun discloses, thunder army abdication is individual choice.
The enemy's army retreated about 50-odd miles, which made our army gain vantage ground.
There is a greater unity than even within the army and between the army and the people.
My army present informationization degree very high army army opened the mystical veil.
They think that the task of the Red Army,like that of the White army,is merely to fight.
All this talk about a victory by the Central Army is just a rumour put about by the bulls.
什么胜仗, 是多头方面造谣。
The anti-government army, and the government army fought fiercely for the storage of arms.
Other services besides the army Army also except accept foreign students at their academies.
Modern and future warfare is information warfare, army combat army, navy and air coordination.
Other services besides the army Army also except accept foreign students as at their academies.
First, the army is our army in the future information technology operations effective strength.
其一, 陆航是我军未来信息化作战的有生力量。
The army's supreme command has said the army will withdraw, provided the other side does so also.
The Red Army then made a forced crossing of the Dadu River. What was the strength of the Red Army?
The Red Army forces to participate in long march first, second, the Fourth Army and the Red Army 25.
The First army medical college and The Fourth army medical college give the big and powerful research.
第一, 第四军医大学强大的科研支持。
An Analysis of the Different Ending of the Tai Ping Army and the Central Red Army before the Dadu River