单词 being 例句大全,用单词being造句:

Being a celebrity has taught me to hide but being an actor has opened my soul.
He told of being cursed by his shipmates and being cast adrift on a bamboo raft.
The hypnotic state actually lies somewhere between being awake and being asleep.
but text messages about being bullied, text messages about being addicted to pot.
而是关于被霸凌 或者是关于大麻上瘾
For anytime, being over sensational will lead to being affectedly unconventional.
因为任何时候, 过分的煽情都会导致矫情。
Some have accused Mr Rudd of being the leaker, but he has denied being the source.
Being bored at work is painful being bored as a prelude to being fired is torture.
He’s not being optimistic, he’s just being a homer. There’s a big difference.
A sea of faces, walking as well as being apt, waits being holding the ticket smile.
人山人海, 边走边爱, 拿着车票微笑等待。
From being educated, to being employed, to being actually allowed to eat ice cream.
她们不能受教育,不能工作 甚至不能吃冰淇淋
Being a Buddha is being aware of what is inside of us and around us at every moment.
done without being able to see or without being in possession of certain information.
The truth is, there is a huge difference between being confident and being conceited.
Whatever the motives maybe, lying is to avoid being harmed and to seek being benefited.
无论什么动机, 说谎总是为了趋利避害。
There are several instances of goods now being awkward to get at, being behind pillars.
在柱子后面还有好几堆货物, 现在要拿到它们会比较棘手。
These bad habits include being haughty, being quarrelsome, and being envious of others.
There are several instances of goods now being awkward to get at,being behind pillars.
If she is not raising a laugh for being dumb, she is being attacked for being ambitious.
And the bear cubs were being harvested from across the country and being sold and traded.
熊仔从全国各地搜罗而来 被买卖
Examples include file systems being unmounted or Fibre Channel adapters being disconnected.
My personality switched from being shy and awkward to being defiant and cursing out a storm.
Because the thing about being autistic is, I had to learn social skills like being in a play.
作为自闭症患者 我需要学习如何在玩耍中跟别人相处
He's changed from being a healthy child to being sick all the time without no apparent reason.
Does being more beautiful make you brainier, or does being brainy make you any less beautiful?
Accumulation being out of hospital baby 61,are hospitalized baby 43,not being seriously ill baby.

单词 being 释义

  • 单词释义:生物;存在;思想感情  [更多..]



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