单词 beckon 例句大全,用单词beckon造句:

beckon someone by waving them over to you with your palm down. Dont point or use your finger.
招呼某人过来时, 要掌心向下挥舞, 不要用手指指点。
A unified theory of everything, including perhaps as many as 11 dimensions, would then beckon.
也许, 一个普适的可能涉及11维的统一理论会就此出现。
He is famous for his good temper. He always shows up at ones beckon, and leaves when asked to.
他是出了名的好脾气, 一直呼之即来, 挥之即去。
He is famous for his good temper. He always shows up at one's beckon, and leaves when asked to.
Our flags now beckon the General farther west With Bugles in the dawn he rouses his Grand Army.
When my thoughts beckon my tired body homeward I will resist the temptation to depart. I will try again.
There are times when it may be possible to make up the flaw of fatherhood, but it may never be possible to beckon the lost times
亲情的裂痕也许可以缝合, 流失的岁月却无法唤回

单词 beckon 释义

  • 单词释义:招手示意;吸引;很可能发生  [更多..]



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