单词 before 例句大全,用单词before造句:

Cuz i been there before and you been there before but together we can be alright.
The men were paid off just before quitting time, the last day before the holiday.
在完工之前, 也即放假的前一天, 发给了他们工资。
We probably went through it yesterday, or the day before, or the day before that.
Whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.
凡在人面前不认我的, 我在我天上的父面前也必不认他。
King Arthur Before destruction the heart proud honor before, there must be humble.
亚瑟王败坏之先, 人心骄傲尊荣之前, 必有谦卑。
She wanted to abase herself before the strong man, to be low and humble before him.
她使自己在这个强壮的男人面前显得更谦卑, 低下和恭顺。
God warns us that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
The year before last he won a gold medal, and the year before that he won a silver.
There are two more hours before the sun sets and maybe he will come up before that.
Rarely before midnight. I always read a book for half an hour before going to sleep.
But before you do here are seven things to think about before doing anything drastic.
The year before last he win a gold medal, and the year before that he win the silver.
Before shaving teeth gear tooth shape of processing with hob called before shaving hob.
Before sitting down for my dinner, I took a stroll out on the patio before it got dark.
I haven't tried any of that kind before. But I have tried comical and funny roles before.
One year does not see, chivalrous person elegant demeanor as before, talkative as before.
一年不见, 大侠风采依旧, 健谈依旧。
They are unyielding before threats and incorruptible before any promise of material gain.
Always brush your teeth before going to bed. Remember to brush your teeth before sleeping.
This means feeling maybe you have seen something before. Or you're lived something before.
Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.
Before the died, Sydney remembered the promise that he had made to Lucie many years before.
在他临死前, 悉尼想起了多年前他向露西许下的诺言。
Laying the tables in the canteen before the dinner break is just the calm before the storm.
Before bed 10 cups of water. Drink half an hour before sleep, if not easy to cause baggy eyes.
Exhaust before water pressure test, drainage before manufacture, dryness and medium isolation.
Winter and before autumn high tide and before overlanding of cattle were good anthelmintic time.

单词 before 释义

  • 单词释义:在…之前; 在…前面;比…重要  [更多..]



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