It was so beautiful, the trees bearded the house I was living in.
我住的房子有绿树环绕, 简直美极了。
In that distant chamber, a bearded queen, wicked in her dead light.
The Bearded Man tries to call them, but they RUN OFF, FACES UNSEEN.
胡渣男子试着呼喊他们, 但小孩跑开了, 没看到脸。
Unfortunately for you, that's when the giant bearded troll comes out.
Mary was being chatted up by a bearded youth when I arrived on the scene.
Their chief pursuit was the wild horse, the little bearded pony of that time.
The Unit Load Method for Calculating the Elastic Deformation of Bearded Needle
Any of a breed of dog originating in Belgium and having a short,bearded muzzle.
The bearded old man springing out of the central disc symbolizes the human soul.
They had a smiley lady and a glum bearded guy stroking his chin and going, Hmmm, impassively.
毕业后可获得文凭, 本科, 硕士或博士学位。
Aspect is the current round of the bearded Bin Han two teams and the team to act as a form of bone soup
The tall, bearded, oneeyed cleric keeps to himself, living a reclusive life that borders on the paranoid.
这位身材高大, 虬髯独眼的阿訇至今还过着偏执的隐居生活。