单词 cow 例句大全,用单词cow造句:

The Cow Mangler 5000 was added to the game.
This animal does not like a cow or a horse.
This animal does not like a cow but a horse.
She typically buys a cow. The cow gives milk.
Action films are still this cinema's cash cow.
Somersaults cow, a cow than a cow than the next.
母牛翻跟头, 一个牛比接一个牛比。
He runs away from a cow, and a horse, and a farmer.
a domestic animal, especially a cow, horse, or mule
家畜, 尤指牛, 马或骡
A domestic animal, especially a cow, horse, or mule.
家畜家畜, 尤指牛, 马或骡
the tongue of an animal, such as a cow, used as food
动物舌牛等动物的舌头, 用作食物
Holy cow!Someone just parachuted out of that airplane!
The countryside is home to a farmer, a cow and a horse.
农村是农民, 牛和马的家。
Cow ain'no good nohow effen she ain'been milked lately.
母牛要是很久没挤奶了, 就更不好办。
A doubtful allergy case of a Holstein cow with atropine
And I'm going to get a sheep and a cow and breed horses.
我要养一头羊, 养一头牛, 生马驹子。
The human being is a gregarious animal. And so is the cow.
人类是群居的动物, 同样, 牛也是。
Cow's milk and eggs also contain antimicrobial substances.
Of the pig and the cow, the latter animal is more valuable.
那头猪和那头牛相比, 后者更有价值。
A milk cow is a female, a bull is a male of the same animal.
奶牛是母牛, 而公牛则是这种同类动物的雄牛。
The Effects of Apple Pomace Replace Bran Feed in Milking Cow
Effect of Alfalfa Pellets on Dairy Cow Milk Yield and Quality
In that day, a man will keep alive a young cow and two goats.
到那时, 一个人只能养活一头母牛犊和两只母绵羊。
The animal could be a cow, lamb, or even something more exotic.
动物可以是牛 羊 甚至较奇特的动物
Anyhow, after much consideration, the monk accepted the cow.
Problems and Advice in Feedstuff Utilization of Dairy Cow Farmer

单词 cow 释义

  • 单词释义:奶牛,母牛;雌性动物;婆娘  [更多..]



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