单词 crisp 例句大全,用单词crisp造句:

Bake the potatoes for15 minutes, till theyre nice and crisp.
But today our passing wasn't crisp, quick or accurate enough.
Biscuits will stay crisp if you keep them in an airtight tin.
Which makes text amazingly crisp and images stunningly sharp.
Rain, woke up to hear crisp voice against the smooth balcony.
下雨了, 醒来的时候听到脆脆声音撞击着光滑的阳台。
Short, crisp sentences in a language accessible to lay people.
那些简短的 干净利落的句子更容易让非专业人士接受。
The bottom cake also boasts its own crisp and wheat fragrance.
底层的饼层也不一般, 松脆且带有麦香。
a crisp,sheer cotton fabric used for curtains or light garments
RHST also produces crisp, premium white wines intended for aging.
住宅哈勃望远镜也产生脆, 保费白葡萄酒拟老化。
A crisp, sheer cotton fabric used for curtains or light garments.
A thin, crisp wafer or biscuit, usually made of unsweetened dough.
A thin, crisp wafer or biscuit, usually made of unsweetened dough.
Instead of serving brownies and cake, prepare a low fat apple crisp.
不要准备果仁巧克力和蛋糕, 准备一些低脂肪的油炸苹果。
Mother has bought lots of candies, I like assorted crisp candy best.
Depth and elegance, balanced freshness and crisp gooseberry flavour.
Particular kind of fragrant crisp varieties, the most to my appetite.
Pressure laid paper of crisp, spine of brittle when you plan to bind.
压纹纸性脆, 装订时书脊容易断裂。
I heard the crisp jangling of the bicycle rising from the quiet alley.
These biscuits have gone soft, you'd better crisp them up in the oven.
这些饼干变软了, 你最好把它们放在烘炉上烤脆。
The morning of the first of september was crisp and golden as an apple?
Brave men were cut down where they stood in the cold crisp autumn night.
一个寒冷萧瑟的秋夜, 勇敢的人们在巍然站起的地方被打败。
In the crisp autumn light I love the chance to kick up the golden leaves.
在秋高气爽的白天, 我便有机会扬起金色叶。
Wear Valley water boat anchor line, singing the crisp sound of soft scull.
水穿峡谷, 船靠山行, 歌声清脆橹声柔。
Something that resonated inside me like the assertive crisp ring of a bell.
In fact, the image is so crisp you might have assumed it wasnt real at all.

单词 crisp 释义

  • 单词释义:脆的;凉爽的;挺括的;咯吱作响的;清晰分明的;简短干脆的  [更多..]



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