In 2000, millennium year, we created a new kind of chocolate truffles Crunchy Truffles.
在2000年, 首创了创建了一种新的巧克力太妃糖脆脆的太妃糖。
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
The crunchy kibbles help gently scrub away plaque and prevent tartar build up on the outside.
Real bits of nangka preserve and crunchy toasted cashews are then drizzled onto the ice cream.
High Quality and Yield Experiment of Dangshan Crunchy Pear of the Mi croelement Fertilizer Sulibao
Guests, and Sheng plate of crunchy pan contemporary food and wine, but also quick and convenient.
In America class warfare involves peaceful protests by crunchy lefties using sign language to keep order.
Lately, cats are gobbling up rabbits almost as quickly as Hare Todays chesthigh grinders can reduce them to a crunchy mince.
这种肉馅饼最好吃现做的, 冷了就不好吃。
Just ate at Taco Bell for the first time. It was cheap and better than I thought it would be. Oh and crunchy tacos > soft tacos.