The holonic software development team uses process as a guide, not as a crutch.
子整体软件开发小组把过程用作指南, 而不是支柱。
Caffeine can give you a quick boost of energy, but can also be a counterproductive crutch.
His left leg was cut off above the knee and he walked with a crutch under his left shoulder.
他左腿从膝盖处锯掉, 左肩下拄着一根拐杖。
A person with a great store of words to use does not need to rely on vulgar language as a crutch.
He was almost there when his crutch snapped beneath his weight, and his legs went out from under him.
快到怪树林时, 拐杖被体重压跨了, 感觉不到腿的存在。
Anakin took Maces arm in a grip of desperate strength, and used it like a crutch to haul himself upright.
安纳金死命抓住云度的手臂, 撑着它吃力地站直了身子。
Guidance by paper is a crutch that prevents you from making the best emotional connection with your audience.
Nine patients achieved full weightbearing ambulation without heel ulceration while one patient was able to ambulate with crutch assistance.
With a cry, John seized the branch of a tree, whipped the crutch out of his armpit, and sent that uncouth missile hurtling through the air.
约翰大叫一声, 抓住一根树枝, 从肋下抽出拐杖, 猛地扔了出去。
Now we can produce 8 series products Wheelchair, Crutch, Cane, Commode Chair, Walker , Rollator, Powered Wheelchair, Tricycle and Spare Parts.
我们拥有欧洲和美国标准的质量, 非常有竞争力的价格。