单词 hacker 例句大全,用单词hacker造句:

Guards the network security, becomes the genuine hacker!
捍卫网络安全, 成为真正的黑客!
I also am not hacker ace, want to steal the family's thing.
我也不是黑客高手, 想偷人家的东西。
This was at DEF CON, the world's largest hacker conference.
To be a hacker, you have to develop some of these attitudes.
作为一名黑客, 你必须培养起这些态度。
Hacker You can download free of charge, but need to regis.
Some members of this breed of hacker eventually go corporate.
This hacker designed a computer virus that was hard to manage.
这个电脑黑客设计了一种 难以对付得病毒。
The hacker does not have permissions to the database, but you do.
黑客没有访问数据库得权限, 但是您有。
Variation of old hacker slang that had more negative connotations.
A good example of this genre would be a standard hacker type attack.
Xiaowang has set up an anti-hacker device before starting the program.
Pekka Himanen, The Hacker Ethic and the spirit of the Information Age.
A system without antivirus software will be vulnerable to a hacker attack.
A system without anti-virus software will be vulnerable to a hacker attack.
The bug allows a malicious hacker to gain complete control over a computer.
A hacker could use this attack technique to retrieve, corrupt, or delete data.
How the hacker bursts into new system remaining the same conduct does not know.
Now the interesting thing about RedBrigade is that he wasn't an advanced hacker.
现在关于红军有趣的是 他并不是一个高级的黑客
Such as war, natural disaster, government regulation amendments, hacker attacks.
如战争, 自然灾害, 政府管制的修订, 黑客的攻击。
In fact, it is to be a hacker to invade a system to open convenient door greatly.
This is one grooms the hacker grooms the advertisement word of Ban Taotao atelier.
To oppose hacker and to prevent virus are the important content of network secure.
反黑客, 病毒是网络安全的重要内容。
A hacker covers his tracks so good, that there isnt much evidence to convict them.
黑客涵盖他的轨迹是那么好, 没有什么大的证据定罪。
As with progress of technology, measures of hacker's attack also renew continuously.
People figured that it would be too complex or too expensive for some hacker to build one.
人们知道,造这样一个欺骗器 太复杂,或者太贵。

单词 hacker 释义

  • 单词释义:(电脑) 黑客;计算机迷  [更多..]



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