Syracuse had always had an admirable military and rome had always respected that.
He had not taken a summer holiday that year but had accumulated the leave due him.
The poor little bastard had been more active in death than he had ever been in life.
The real story behind Irelands absence was that his girlfriend had had a miscarriage.
爱尔兰缺席比赛的真实原因是, 他的女友刚刚流产。
He did not mention, even to his adjutant, that he had just had his children murdered.
He had... forgotten himself, had gone too far in his advances, and had been rebuffed.
I remember, she had some sort of injury to her ankle, an Ace bandage, and she had crutches.
Already he had lost that ruddy bulk which had been added during the days of his prosperity.
The Belgian Government had discussed the draft plan at length and had adopted a final plan.
The other lodgers had moved away or had died, or had been turned out in default of payment.
其他的房客都早已搬了, 死了, 或是因欠付租金而被撵走了。
The personnel department had not idea of his address since he had moved house several times.
因为老毛子搬了几次家, 连人事部都不知道他住在哪儿。
She had compiled pages of notes, but she had not yet gotten down to doing the actual writing.
Randy I had some hot chocolate, and it wasnt that had. But I must admit it was only lukewarm.
It had been noted earlier that an effort to legalize abortion had been rejected by Parliament.
I had had enough of aching feet, and I refused point blank to wear ballerina flats, she joked.
The technology had got so advanced, that we had began to change the elements of air and water.
What had started as a walk at night to the outhouse had turned into a life and death adventure!
At the very moment when he had abandoned the fight, the tide turned. But it had turned too late.
他放弃了战斗, 却时来运转了, 虽然来得太迟。
The school had been destroyed, livelihoods had been destroyed, their harvest had been destroyed.
Pathology showed that 9 cases had seminoma and 1 had seminoma accompanied by embryonic carcinoma.
I just stood there, not wanting to admit what I had done, or what my cousin had done before that.
But first he had stopped by the family home to decorate our tree, a ritual he had never abandoned.
One ship had been destroyed, two ships had been hijacked and three ships had been reported missing.
Five colleagues had been killed, three had been seriously injured, seven had already been taken hostage.
5名同事已经被杀害了 3名被重伤 7名被抓做人质
One of the farmers had had a little lamb, a little pig and a colt. But all of them had been eaten by Nian.