单词 extraordinary 例句大全,用单词extraordinary造句:

The announcement marks the end of an extraordinary period in European history.
Electricity appeared to its early investigators as an extraordinary phenomena.
在早期研究者看来, 电似乎是一种极为奇异的现象。
Extraordinary times, it seems, call for extraordinary communication techniques.
似乎, 非常时期需要非常的交流技巧。
An ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary shall be the head of an embassy.
He can the simple guileless that the key of absorbing attention is extraordinary.
Any residual concerns were allayed to some extent by Gome's extraordinary growth.
The extraordinary properties of eiderdown make it appear as a cohesive, soft mass.
Fine mellow bodylight acidity, outstanding aroma with extraordinary floral perfumes.
In Afghanistan, people go to extraordinary lengths to be able to watch this program.
在阿富汗,人们不远数里 为了能够看到这个节目
To me, he is a pragmatic conservative, albeit one responding to extraordinary times.
在我看来, 尽管置身非常时期, 他却是一位务实的保守主义者。
The average Beijing home sells at an extraordinary 25 times the average annual wage.
Flying fish leap for their lives and stay airborne for extraordinary lengths of time.
I seized on an extraordinary statement which had not appeared in the English edition.
我发现了极其重要的一段话, 这在英文译本里是没有的。
He found himself staring at an extraordinary architectural confection of old and new.
The entire altar area is decorated with an extraordinary array of Aboriginal art work.
A very special son of Africa, he has been an extraordinary leader of our Organization.
It has generated extraordinary refugee flows across thousands of miles in East Africa.
I find that extraordinary, not to be able to see light, not to be able to see darkness.
You are a person with extraordinary ambition, mr Wolunsitan, can what is your aspiration
Raising the money was an extraordinary achievement, but it only got me to the start line.
融到资金是一项非凡的成就, 但这只是把我带到了起跑线上。
He appreciates people of extraordinary talents very much, and always elevates such people.
Under this system an appeal of a judgement of an appellate court is an extraordinary remedy.
Of course, it became apparent to me very quickly that he had no extraordinary talent at all.
and an extraordinary amount of energy in the form of heat, acute radiation and blast effects.
极高的热能 强烈的辐射 以及剧烈的爆炸等形式扩散
He has exercised himself in the adverse circumstance, an achievement extraordinary enterprise.
他在逆境中锻炼了自己, 成就了一番不平凡的事业。

单词 extraordinary 释义

  • 单词释义:非凡的;非常奇特的;特别的  [更多..]



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