An addition to the dispatcher that determines which task is to execute next.
Procedural documentation indicate when you must execute additional commands.
Execute and Study of Teaching Method of Aim Management in Experiment Lessons
Data execute detected. This behaviour is typical of some malicious programs.
Aof personnel should be specially assigned to execute the evacuation procedure.
However, block cipher algorithms tend to execute more slowly than stream ciphers.
但是, 块密码算法执行起来通常比流密码慢。
One party is entitled to cancel the contract if the other side cannot execute it.
如果一方不履行合同, 另一方有权取消合同。
Effect appraise is a guarantee to execute strategy control and reach strategy aim.
Execute should notice to prevent polarization by allocation of factor of production.
And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.
并且因为他是人子, 就赐给他行审判的权柄。
We hope to buy the wool cheaply,and request you to execute our demand for 200 bales.
Making Boolean calculating to a component, at first execute union, then subtracting.
The technique involves tricking the server into execute code written by the attacker.
The plan was to execute a flank movement to the left, cut off and capture the viceroy.
打算由左翼行动, 切断代理总督并活捉他。
The parties hereby confirm they have the authority and power to execute this agreement.
We assure you that we shall endeavour to execute the order to your entire satisfaction.
为使贵司满意, 我保证尽力完成贵方订货。
The GM chief said the company will execute changes in leadership over the next 60 days.
韩德胜说, 公司将在未来60天对管理层实施调整。
Establish and execute annual sales objective and maintain the expense within the budget.
Object , an exception is thrown the next time that you attempt to execute a statement.
But the Ukranian company did not execute the agreement and thus the award was terminated.
Coordinate and execute employee social, athletic and recreational program and facilities.
协调组织员工的社交, 文体活动。
Once the relations have been defined, you can execute the transformation on actual models.
We assure you that we shall work hard to execute the contract to your entire satisfaction.
为使贵公司满意, 我方保证尽力完成你方订货。
Buffer overrun code execute detected. This behaviour is typical of some malicious programs.
the cervical atresia, after pregnancy to execute the cervix was scheduled for appropriate.