单词 cleric 例句大全,用单词cleric造句:

Xy Listen, drop that. I need some of your evil cleric mojo.
听着, 把那丢一边。我需要一些你的邪恶牧师法术。
Used as a form of address prefixed to the name of such a cleric.
A cleric ranking just below a priest in Roman Catholic churches.
You wanted him as the bridegroom, not as the officiating cleric.
a cleric who directs the choral services of a church or cathedral
Sacrifice a Cleric You gain life equal to that Clerics toughness.
A cleric who directs the chORal services of a church OR cathedral.
A cleric in charge of a chapel in the Episcopal Church of the United States.
He says the extremist cleric is on the run and keeps changing his locations.
Look, last time I checked the cleric spell list, Raise Dead was a 5thlevel spell.
瞧, 我上次查牧师法术列表的时候, 死者复活还是一个5级神术。
Iranian reformists regarded the cleric as the spiritual patron of their movement.
The cleric quickly murmurs a magical hymn and a soothing light envelops your wound.
贤者迅速咏唱赞颂咒文, 舒缓的光芒笼罩你的伤口。
A cleric acting in the place of a rector or bishop in the Anglican Communion generally.
His friends now wondered at the cleric and very officiallooking nature of his position.
The higher the constitution, the longer the player can wait for a cleric to revive them.
体格数值越高, 玩家等待牧师复活的时间就可以维持更长。
The cleric, Ahmed Bukhari, said the 17 th century structure was in urgent need of repair.
The drought has been orchestrated by an evil Black Miao cleric and the trio confronts him.
The cleric, Ahmed Bukhari, said the 17th century structure was in urgent need of repair.
The somewhat awkward ceremony ended with Ahmadinejad giving the cleric a kiss on the shoulder.
Bashirs chief defencelawyer Adnan Buyung Nasution says the cleric has a valid case for an appeal.
This spell summons a gem of life, which someone can use to revive you or a different fallen cleric.
Altar boy An attendant to an officiating cleric in the performance of a liturgical service an acolyte.
祭童, 祭台助手在祭祀仪式中司祭牧师的助手帮手。
Karbala has been the scene of clashes between loyalists of Shia cleric Moqtada alSadr and Iraqi forces.
在卡尔巴拉, 什叶派拥护者与伊拉克武装部队经常发生冲突。
The tall, bearded, oneeyed cleric keeps to himself, living a reclusive life that borders on the paranoid.
这位身材高大, 虬髯独眼的阿訇至今还过着偏执的隐居生活。
Well, its just that were probably going to level up soon, and I was thinking I could multiclass to cleric.
喔, 正好我们不久后大概就能升级了, 我想我可以兼职牧师。

单词 cleric 释义



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