单词 colossal 例句大全,用单词colossal造句:

Seeing these stone men reminds me of those colossal stone sculptures on Easter Island.
Many thousands of people must have given their lives to build this colossal construction.
为了修建巨大的长城, 曾有上千万人为此献出了生命。
The game will be played in a colossal arena with a seating capacity of more than 60, 000.
Colossal Word Search Traditional word search game. Shareware version available for download.
Two cup glasses were attach mercilessly kick in the floor, sent out a colossal voice to ring.
Their chaotic forces raged across the face of the world and clashed with the colossal Titans.
他们的混乱力量席卷大地, 直冲巨大的泰坦而去。
And yet somehow, even amid this colossal torrent of imagery, the best pictures rise to the top.
不过, 在这巨大的图像洪流中, 最佳照片跃然而出。
Among the newly uncovered treasures are colossal statues, sunken ships, gold coins and jewelry.
Colossal computercontrolled mirrors, thousands of feet across, may one day orbit the earth, refl.
总有一天电脑能够把晚上变成白天, 通过好的, 自然的阳光。
Its so colossal the Grand Canyon will be easier swallowed by the one of the smaller side branches.
But just before the competition closed, a lorry arrived at the factory with a truly colossal biscuit
Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever.
A few of them lost their charm quite suddenly and were left with nothing but emptiness and colossal debts.
The massive undertaking marked the beginning of an era of colossal sporting constructions across the globe.
Legal Thinking about Pursuing the Maximum of Enterprice Profits and Containing the Colossal Commercial Profits
Whether the elder brother Ye son is many to is colossal in the outside or not, the not filial mother would is head a fault.
A Colossal Failure of Common Sense The Inside Story of the Collapse of Lehman Brothers. By Lawrence G. McDonald and Patrick Robinson.

单词 colossal 释义

  • 单词释义:巨大的;<口语>异常的  [更多..]



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