单词 cliche 例句大全,用单词cliche造句:

General comments cliche programmes and the new environment.
Of course, that's a cliche by now and has been for decades.
You know the cliche imitation is the highest form of flattery.
that , to use the old cliche phrase , is easier said than done.
用一句老话来说, 那是说起来容易做起来难。
Suddenly, a moving story has lapsed into public monument cliche.
The cliche Fathers Day gifts used to be bad ties and golf balls.
This one has become a cliche, but that doesnt make it irrelevant.
这已经是陈词滥调了, 但是这并使它显得不入流。
Bobby No, chocolates are so cliche! I have a killer idea this year!
鲍比没有, 巧克力太老土了!今年我有一个杀手锏!
But i believe in the cool cliche that everything happens for a reason.
Gaze into the other person's eyes. It might be a cliche, but it works.
Ladies, is dinner and a movie too cliche for the first date? Thoughts?
The old cliche is certainly true the bigger car do mean bigger profits.
I know it's a cliche, but look, look how small, how tiny it has gotten.
我知道这是陈词滥调,但瞧!瞧它有多小 有多微不足道
There is an old cliche that goes, Job is an acronym for Just Over Broke.
有一句古老的格言说, 工作的意义就是比破产强一点。
A cliche, I know, and until then I had not grasped what that feels like.
Tina I dont like Valentines Day it has become too cliche and commercial.
蒂娜我不喜欢情人节它变得太老土, 太商业化了。
which we all learn in school, and therefore it's almost become a cliche.
Cliche covers should be reserved for private parties and corporate events.
It's a cliche, but not eVery abundancething is true only since it were in a book.
These are all Hong Kong people pay lip service to the cliche, but this is still true
这些都是香港人挂在口边的老生常谈, 然而这仍是真的吗?
Totally cliche action film and cringeworthy lines. This one is going straight to video.
He can ruin the most interesting match by just spouting cliche again and again and again.
他一张嘴就会使最精彩的比赛 变得淡然无味
And what I understand from my Brazilian friends is that this guy is just a cliche machine.
我从巴西朋友那里听到的是 这家伙只会讲陈词滥调
Some people say that songs about love and romance have become cliche, but they still make me cry.
And thirdly, the idea that machines are becoming biological and complex is at this point a cliche.

单词 cliche 释义

  • 单词释义:n.陈词滥调,铅版;adj.陈腐的  [更多..]



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