单词 connie 例句大全,用单词connie造句:

Connie I dont know. She might be caught in a snowstorm somewhere.
I already knew from the head nurse that Connie had died at 11 am.
Connie had flown home with her mother, the children left in Vegas.
I hear drew baylor's here, is that right? Hi, connie, how are you?
Im afraid you mistake unscrupulousness for generosity. Connie paused.
Because he made a fool of me when he stood Godfather to Connie's boy.
Everybody in the Family was delighted, but Connie more so than anyone.
When arrives the tile Connie island, the warship has sphered this base.
到达瓦康尼岛时, 军舰已围住该基地。
I already understood from the head nurse those Connie had died at 11 A.
When Connie pours her troubles out to him, Joe comes over all sensitive.
当康妮向他倾诉自己的烦恼时, 乔显得极为体贴。
This is Connie Swift with the second in our series on education and jobs.
Connie, you did a lot of good reporting on that show. You should be proud.
康妮, 你为这个节目做了许多精彩的报道, 你应该感到自豪。
Owing to her illness, Connie tossed away a chance to go with us to travel.
因为生病, 康妮错过了和我们一起去旅行的机会。
As soon as he stepped into the door, Connie started screaming curses at him.
Connie felt again the tightness, niggardliness of the men of her generation.
She had tried to get Connie talking about her older brother without success.
Sandra and the other women teased Connie about the terrors of the nuptial bed.
Connie To awaken my spirit through hard work and dedicate my life to knowledge.
Connie backed away round the corner of the house, and hurried away to the wood.
康妮绕着回到村舍前面去, 急忙地向树林里走开了。
His affection for her was like his affection for Freddie and Michael and Connie.
Connie Swift is at the White House with a report on the Presidents announcement.
The bolt inside slid back and the door opened and Connie was in his arms sobbing.
Before joining Shell, Connie was assistant engineer in Hangzhou Electrical Bureau.
加入壳牌以前, 平红兵曾在杭州电力局担任助理工程师。
Connie, husband of the pregnant Rose of Sharon, suddenly disappeared from the group.
这时候, 怀着身孕的沙伦玫瑰的丈夫康尼突然离开大家走了。
How many evenings had Connie sat and listened to the manifestations of these four men!
多少晚上, 康妮坐在那儿听这四个人或其他一二个人的讨论!

单词 connie 释义

  • 单词释义:n.康妮(Constance 的昵称)(f.)  [更多..]



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