单词 communicate 例句大全,用单词communicate造句:

The two kings lived very far apart, and used messengers to communicate.
You may rest assured that anything thus communicate will go no further.
对于这类信件, 我们决不会泄露其内容, 敬请放心。
I spread my arms before Romilagu, trying to communicate firmness to him.
我在罗米拉尤面前摊开双臂, 示意他坚强些。
Not all graphic arts products communicate by words or pictures, however.
并非一切图斜救苏术产品交流, 用文字或图片, 但是。
Generally, grad students don't arrive with the ability to communicate well.
Applications communicate with the message bus through one or more channels.
The atrium is also the central location for people to meet and communicate.
Gay men don't need words to communicate their availability for sex'hook ups.
Remote Control agent is unable to communicate with the remote user's machine.
The oral communication expresses ability strong, kind communicate with person.
口头表达能力强, 善与人沟通。
The aircraft, while in flight, will communicate with technicians on the ground.
After his final attempt to communicate, he lasted one and a half horrible days.
Adopts Panasonic programmable order manipulator control communicate servo system.
Services and references enable a component to communicate with other applications.
speak to or communicate with or interfere with or attempt to influence any elector
与任何选民谈话或通信息, 或干扰, 或试图影响他们
Communicate the servo electric motor adoption half shuts wreath servocontrol system.
Being assertive helps you communicate without causing stress to yourself and others.
We use these gifts to express ourselves, to amuse, to strengthen, and to communicate.
Communicate and collaborate with the Lead Animator and other members of the VFX team.
与主管动画师及特效团队的其他成员沟通, 协作。
But when they communicate internally, they have to appeal to their employees'emotions.
While their societies are different, they all communicate and be have in advanced ways.
The proctor was also a stranger, and did not attempt to communicate with me in any way.
而监考人也是一个陌生人, 他也不打算以任何方式同我交流。
The basis of a human bodys cells ability to communicate with one another is the vesicle.
There is no way that we should allow government to communicate the way they communicate.
我们无法再允许政府 按照他们的表达方式进行表达
Leaving this discussion apart, we have a matter of business to communicate to the reader.
我们先把这一讨论撇在一旁, 把一件正事通报给读者。

单词 communicate 释义

  • 单词释义:沟通;传递;传染;相通  [更多..]



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