单词 condom 例句大全,用单词condom造句:

Do not use birth control pills use a condom without spermicide instead.
We chucked the condom on the ground and walked out to find our friends.
我们把安全套扔在了地上, 走过去找朋友们。
Sell condom alone or sell newspaper alone, namely monomer machine alone.
单独售套或单独售报, 即单体机。
Tear along one side of the foil package and remove the condom carefully.
Tell him that we found his condom and that he is forbidden from. You know.
I walked out of the room feeling like an abandoned condom, used and hollow.
我走出教室感觉像是被丢弃的安全套, 使用过后空空的。
You simply crack the pack open and unroll the condom directly onto the penis.
Be sure the condom not being ripped or stabbed by acuate article during usage.
取用避孕套时, 不要损伤避孕套, 不要让尖锐物品刺伤避孕套。
Be careful that your fingernails don't rip the condom when you are putting it on.
The expiry date of condom is printed on each package, please use within valid date.
A condom can allow you to make a bandage to stop bleeding in an emergency situation.
The Pleasuring Vibrating Ring is available in the condom section of major retailers.
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The Extra Sensitive from Durex is The Thinnest Latex condom in the Durex product line.
Do not use the condom, because the condom contains lubricator and spermatocidal agent.
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A form of contraception is therefore advisable, but a simple condom will be ineffective.
因此避孕是明智的, 但是简单的避孕套会无效。
Show the average American teenage male a condom and his mind will turn to thoughts of lust.
Throughout your life, has your primary method of birth control been a condom or diaphragm ?
到目前为止, 阁下的主要避孕方法是避孕套或子宫环?
To increase the effectiveness, a woman should insert the female condom before going into the water.
为了提高有效性, 女用避孕套在入水前就应该插入。
The condom use rate is still low among women engaged in clandestine prostitution and varies in thei.
The most common methods for contraception are condom, intrauterine device , and oral contraceptives.
摘要常见的避孕方式有保险套, 子宫内避孕器, 口服避孕药。
What is he doing not using a condom with Hachi even though hed already gotten another girl preggers.
The syphilis epidemic that spread across Europe gave rise to the first published account of the condom.
Using more than one condom enhances the chances that a sexually transmittable infection or disease will be transmitted.
这样, 性传播疾病得感染几率更高, 性病也容易传染。

单词 condom 释义

  • 单词释义:(男用)避孕套,保险套;(女用)避孕套  [更多..]



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