单词 binge 例句大全,用单词binge造句:

It's tempting for them to go on a drinking binge in the festival.
Does this finding mean that the gene variants promote binge eating
Id deflate a bit and hunker down in anticipation of the next binge.
而我则会收缩一点儿, 静静地等着下一顿大餐。
After the eating binge, neither image generated much of a reaction.
Ive had to stop binge drinking and eating after 10 oclock at night.
Binge-eating is bad for one's health. Besides, it will make you fat.
Don't leave them out in the open so that you will be tempted to binge.
Malone was supposed to be here, smoked on booze, sleeping off a binge.
Asias binge of skyscraper construction is igniting a new race to the top.
亚洲对摩天建筑的狂热, 激起一个迈向颠峰的新竞赛。
Somewhere in the course of all that frivolity, binge drinking may occur.
They went on a binge last night and didnt get back until 3 in the morning.
昨晚他们出去饮酒作乐, 直到今晨3点钟才回来。
I knew I was getting high off of food. I think most binge eaters know that.
But after such a long binge, might the economy not benefit from a cold shower
但经过长期疯狂之后, 经济就不会从一瓢冷水中获益吗?
I must warn you though, whatever happens, dont let me go on a drinking binge.
Colleges all over the country are trying different things to curb binge drinking.
Then I would constantly think about food and binge, abandoning the diet altogether.
This tactic will at least space out the temptation and minimize candy binge eating.
这一战术至少空出得诱惑, 减少糖果暴食。
Nor, with plenty of capacity sitting idle, are firms likely to go on an investment binge.
Rates were significantly higher if they lived with a parent who engaged in binge drinking.
As soon as the dragon started sleeping off its binge, Susanoo got to work hacking it to bits.
只要龙开始睡过头, 须佐之男就将它砍成碎片。
A similar standard of evidence linked binge drinking with possible brain development problems.
Chinese business leaders assume that American consumers will never again go on a spending binge.
如果他们和参与狂饮的父母生活在一起, 比例显著更高。
First, the daily diet should be the law, not overeating, binge drinking, do not sleep, irregular.
Compared to nondrinking women, women binge drinkers are also five times as likely to have gonorrhea.
Going on a drinking binge could leave you wide open to infections, as well as hangovers, work suggests.
研究显示, 过度饮酒会导致人体感染, 以及酒后头疼。

单词 binge 释义

  • 单词释义:饮酒作乐;狂饮,狂闹;放纵,狂热;社交集会  [更多..]



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