Adrenal weakness can cause estrogen dominance in females, causing deterioration of the bones.
虚弱的肾上腺会引致女性雌激素过多, 引致骨骼退化。
I will flay the skin from your flesh and the flesh from your bones and scrape your bones dry.
我要剥了你的皮, 卸下你的肉, 然后再把你骨头刮乾。
Abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile porous bones,common in postmenopausal women.
Aesthetic Explanation of Deified Inscriptions on Bones or Tortoise Shells of the Shang Dynasty
Active citrate source calcium and magnesium with added vitamin D for better uptake by the bones.
Elastic efficiency comparison of NiTi shape memory alloy for jaw bones distraction osteogenesis.
Inscriptions on Bones or Tortoise Shells of the Shang Dynasty and Ancient Civilization of Mankind
In addition to causing cancer, it poisons your bones, causes anemia and reduces white blood cells.
Review of the studies on ancient inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells over the last two decades
The soft tissues have been cleared by immersion in glycerol, and the bones stained red with alizarin.
软组织已被甘油浸泡而除去, 而骨骼是用茜草素染成红色。
The dinosaur bones have not yet been fully analyzed, but they appear to belong to early prosauropods.
Bone china porcelain is basically made by adding bone ash (burned animal bones) to kaolin and petuntse.
The drugs appear to adversely affect osteoblasts, cells that form bone, resulting in more brittle bones.
抗抑郁药得作用似乎是拮抗成骨细胞, 使骨质更脆。
After descending the mountain, go to nearby Poring Hot Springs to soak those aching bones in the hot springs.
Sports Culture of Late Shang Dynasty Reflected by the Oracle Inscriptions on the Tortoise Shells and Animal Bones
The glucosamine hydrochloride can ameliorate the metabolism and nutrition of bones, and can protect cartilage tissues.
盐酸氨基葡萄糖能够改善骨代谢和骨营养, 保护软骨组织
These are most frequently seen in the frontal and parietal bones with the orbital and maxillofacial bones infrequently involved.
I command you to accuse yourselves, and to declare the truth, amidst the tearing of your flesh, and the dislocation of your bones.
Take the choice of the flock, and burn also the bones under it, and make it boil well, and let them seethe the bones of it therein.
The secret of reducing the Body weight and prolonging life is to exercise the Bones and muscles and dredge the channels and collaterals.
轻身延寿的秘诀是活络筋骨, 疏通经络。
The appendicular skeleton consists of bones of the shoulder girdle and upper extremity and bones of the pelvic girdle and lower extremity.
Calcium, the most abundant mineral in the body, has long been recognised as vital for the formation and maintenance of strong bones and teeth.
Instead, the Carrion Centaur has unholy powers over the dead and is able to create Manikins by animating vines, roots and the bones of dead beasts.
它将可以通过驱动藤蔓, 树根以及动物的尸体创造出藤蔓人。
white scat may be old and driedout or high in phosphates found in the bones of a prey animal that began its journey at the other end of the alimentary canal.
What could finding her remains change to the charm of Leonardos painting To look for her bones seems a sacrilege to me, said one of them, actress and writer Natalia Strozzi.