单词 blood 例句大全,用单词blood造句:

The blood pictures of falciparum and vivax malaria patients and the their blood biochemical variations
Blood sticks consistency taller, blood pressure on the high side, drink water more can attenuant blood
Blood stasis syndrome and research on therapy of promoting blood circulation to disperse blood stasis.
Peripheral blood may appear in the promyelocyte, late promyelocyte cells and nucleated red blood cells.
In the arm, you can measure blood flow in the arm by how much it swells up as some blood flows into it.
你测量手臂上的血流 测量血流通过时血管扩张了多少
Grandpa's blood vessel on the brain is a little blocked, so he must often take blood-activating medicine.
People who receive blood transfusion before the blood transfusion should be agreed in a signed permission.
This blood bank nearly has little blood, therefore, the patient emergency case unable to donato blood now.
Effects of heat acclimatization training by wearing military raincoat on blood lactic acid and blood gases.
Bacterium of alleged gonococcus sex, drench coccus enters blood namely, breed in great quantities in blood.
The applied research of automatic nucleated red blood cell count in peripheral blood by blood cell analyzer
Nursing Realizes of a Therapy of Single Adopt White Blood cell Away for Patient with White Blood cell Silt Up
Such Holographic water can quickly diminish inflammation, relieve pain, arrest blood and remove blood stasis.
这种全息水具有快速消炎, 止痛, 止血, 化瘀的功效。
Objective Generalize component blood transfusion under the guidance of analyzing blood utilization in clinics.
Changing of blood glucocard and blood lactate acide to exhausted movement after the long terms aerobic exercise
Chinese medicine believes that black fungus with Qi blood, lungs and calm, cooling blood to stop bleeding effect.
中医认为, 戚血, 肺和平静的黑木耳, 凉血止血效果。
A disorder characterized by an abnormal reduction in the blood of erythrocytes and leukocytes and blood platelets.
A study on collecting blood sample from arterial piezometer to determine both blood electrolytes and blood glucose
Change not apparent ooze blood patient to blood pressure, also answer to observe closely, not satisfying put fluky.
external hemorrhoids cause of poor local blood back, causing blood vessels to dilate blood stasis into hemorrhoids.
外痔的病因之局部血液回流差, 造成血管扩张淤血成痔。
Objective To examine the influence of warming of blood of blood bank on the temperature of patients during operation.
Advance in Method of Activating Blood Circulation to Dissipate Blood Stasis for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases.
Blood pressure measurement should be repeated several times, whichever is the stable value of the actual blood pressure.
测量血压应反复数次, 取其稳定值为实际血压。
Study on the Effects of STI in the Patient of Asthenic Cardiac Blood with the Method of Reinforcing Cardiac Qi and Blood
Effect of human umbilical cord blood adherent cells on the expansion of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic cells in vitro

单词 blood 释义

  • 单词释义:血(液);血统,家世  [更多..]



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