单词 dirt 例句大全,用单词dirt造句:

Why should they eat their sixty acres eat only his peck of dirt?
She sat apart from 20 people squeezed together on the dirt floor.
Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.
房屋不经常打扫, 尘土很快就越积越多。
I am repulsed by the animality of the body, by its dirt and decay.
All surfaces are free of burrs to prevent the accumulation of dirt.
Remove residual dirt on the tools using solvent naphtha or acetone.
Dirt poor, living in the home with my parents, I couldn't afford to.
窮的要死,和父母一起住在家裡 我沒有那種能力
The dirt on the bottom of the bath didn't encourage total immersion.
浴缸底有污垢, 不宜全身浸泡于其中。
All surfaces are free of burrs, preventing it from accumulating dirt.
Dust or dirt will soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.
如果房子不正常打扫, 尘埃很快堆积。
Well, apparently Deirdre found out that Tony was doing the dirt on her.
The contact surface of the base plate must be free from dirt and grease.
He took the cat into the bathroom and washed off all the blood and dirt.
Motorcycle accessories shop, repairs, modifications dirt bike accessories.
The author believes if he writes a good book he will finally hit pay dirt.
这位作者相信, 如果他写一本好书, 他终会找到财源。
Afterwards, they generally wallow in the dirt and rub up against the trees,
之后, 他们会在泥土上打滚, 并在树上,
This will assist in protecting the equipment from dirt and ground moisture.
Reducing the scope for dirt, moisture and bacteria to cling to the surface.
The surface to which the paint was to be applied was full of cracks and dirt.
In case of dirt or accidental touching, wipe clean using a cloth with alcohol.
万一沾染灰尘或不慎碰触, 请以布沾酒精擦拭。
If you apply this cleaning fluid, you'll find you can simply dab the dirt off.
Remove dandruff, adsorb sebum and dirt, and make hair refreshing and manageable.
Do not apply this ointment to the affected parts until all dirt has been removed.
在污物除净之前, 感染部分不要涂上药膏。
Finally, lacquer thinner or alcohol washed with soapy water washed away the dirt.
最后, 用硝基漆稀料或酒精清洗掉肥皂水洗不掉的污物。
As the old ceiling is ripped out, decades of accumulated dust and dirt falls down.

单词 dirt 释义

  • 单词释义:污物;灰尘,泥土;松土;丑闻;狗屎  [更多..]



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