单词 drab 例句大全,用单词drab造句:

Life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas.
与海外充满激情的生活风格相比较, 这里的生活死气沉沉。
Those are pretty good escapes from the drab weather in Switzerland.
The day of ShaDiao, little light cover of hard to avoid appear drab.
白天的沙雕, 少了灯光的笼罩难免显得单调。
My life, as you know, was drab and colorless until you came into it.
你知道, 有了你, 我的生活才不像以前那么单调无趣。
But still, the place you that more drab and empty when they are gone.
不过他们走之后, 你四周更单调和刚空。
For most generations sacrifice comes in drab and weariness of spirit.
But all on wall of if one side is some of book only, drab rather also.
Love life for the unattached would be low on activity and drab at times.
Are you drab without me? it will be so drab. so, you need treat me better.
I was surprised to find him living in such drab and cheerless surroundings.
In modelling and colour respect, board type radiator is put in drab problem.
Look from outside, all around interlocking, do not show inflexible and drab.
The kimono deserve girdles generally does not, few XiGua pieces, appear drab.
和服的配饰很少, 腰带上一般不系挂件, 显得单调。
He found himself in the drab surroundings of yet another government building.
Her large and lustrous eyes gave a touch of beauty to an otherwise drab face.
她的眼睛又大又明亮, 使本来显得平板的脸平添了几许美。
Still, our tiny, drab apartment seemed like paradise. Love does that, you know.
即使如此, 我们那个狭
Yes, life will seem a bit drab without some of the indulgences you are used to.
确实, 没有了你以往的享受, 生活似乎毫无生机。
Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone.
然, 你曾停留之处, 在你离去之后, 却越发沉闷而空乏。
Well, my stylist suggested it. She said the color of my hair was drab and boring.
But still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty now they're gone.
Such design, to the person on the vision one kind repeats, drab, inflexible feeling.
这样的设计, 在视觉上给人一种重复, 单调, 呆板的感觉。
Still, our tiny, drab apartment seemed like paradise. Love does that, you know.
Effect of applied K Fertilizer in downland drab soli on sweet potato yield and quality
If you have no such moment when you can be a queen, you will feel the life is so drab.
The Whangpoo was a glistening ribbon of drab yellow it flowed with a quiet contentment.
黄浦像一条发光的灰黄色带子, 很和平, 很快乐。

单词 drab 释义

  • 单词释义:单调的;土褐色的  [更多..]



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