单词 dynasty 例句大全,用单词dynasty造句:

Change on the Obedient Officials in Han Dynasty and Sui Dynasty and the Corresponding Cause
This poem from the Tang Dynasty was written according to Sui-and Tang-Dynasty pronunciation.
Calligraphy in the late Ming Dynasty was a peak both in the Ming Dynasty and in the history.
The name of Bozhou continued about962 years from the period of Five dynasty to Ming dynasty.
Art Achievement and Effect of Chinese Traditional Opera Poem in Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty
Zhang Jian and the Iron and Steel Industry in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Ming Dynasty of China
Legal Confucianism since the Han Dynasty merged his side, to the Han Dynasty emerged in reflux.
As a hermit from a declining dynasty, I would rather die than be a courtier of the new dynasty.
as a hermit from a declining dynasty, I would rather die than be a courtier of the new dynasty.
作为前朝逸民, 我誓死也不在新朝为官。
AD 265, Si Mayan of Si Mayis grandchild builds the Western Jin Dynasty on behalf of Wei Dynasty.
摘要公元265年, 司马彭之孙司马炎代魏称帝建立西晋。
Evolution and Influence of the Concept of Loyalty to the Emperor between Han Dynasty and Wei Dynasty
Textual Research on Rare Books Bibliology of the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties
The Variations of the Land Policies and Commercial Economic Concept from Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty
A Comparative Study of Policy toward LangBuErHan Between the Ming Dynasty and the Li Dynasty of Korea
The Social Economy of Khotan Kingdom between the End of Tang Dynasty and the Beginning of Song Dynasty
Wiccan Culture Changes in the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty Current Novels and its Cultural Revelation
The relationship between Liao Dynasty and Gaoli Dynasty belonged to the one of suzerain and dependency.
The Comparison of Poems Describing Objects of the Beginning of Tang Dynasty and That of Qi Liang Dynasty
A Brief Discussion on How the Legal Code of the Qing Dynasty Was Inherited from That of the Ming Dynasty
At the end of Shang Dynasty and the beginning of Zhou dynasty, the ancient Shu entered the Duyu dynasty.
商末周初, 古蜀国由鱼凫王朝跨入了杜宇王朝。
Succession and advance of tang dynasty's frontier fortress poetry to official conservatory in han dynasty
Talk About the Changes of Aesthetic Styles from Song O in Southern Song Dynasty to San Qu in Yuan Dynasty
This paper lodges that the ancient books'colophon began in Hart Dynasty's letters, appeared in Tang Dynasty.
论文提出古籍牌记肇端于汉简, 出现于唐代。
Renaissance of Textual Research in the Ming Dynasty and Conversion of Learning Style in the late Ming Dynasty
From the early yuan dynasty to early Ming dynasty, is relatively depression of the feeding period of goldfish.
从元朝初期至明朝初期, 是金鱼饲养相对萧条的时期。

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