单词 dub 例句大全,用单词dub造句:

Russian dub, embeded Chinese and English subtitle
俄语, 内嵌中英字幕
I yell in the piece also am the later period dub.
She has been compelled to dub up out of her own pocket.
I intend to use simultaneous recording to dub this film.
Dub over existing tracks to create multitrack recordings.
在现有音轨上配音, 以生成多音轨的录音。
I'd like to dub that videotape so I can watch it at home.
We can also translate, subtitle and dub your company videos.
我们也可以为贵公司的宣传录像进行翻译, 上字幕及配音。
The album was the first dub music album to hit the UK top 40.
这张专辑是第一次配音的音乐专辑, 击中了英国前40名。
Use your finger tips around the eyes and nose. Dub delicately.
The steward of the dub lost hid temper and pitched the man out.
The Key and Analyzing of DUB by Traditional and Western Medicine
Did they have someone dub your voice sometimes, for certain notes
The dub was finished by the famous advertisement announcer in CCTV.
Never leave home, dub mouse, commodity sends automatically excellent.
足不出户, 轻点鼠标, 商品自动送到家。
Videos are also relatively inexpensive to dub into multiple languages.
相较之下, 在录影带下加上不同语言的字幕也比较没那麽贵。
Sol leks was limping, and Dub was suffering from a wrenched shoulder blade.
With the good luck of the central television station 52 of similar, also dub of!
与中央电视台的幸运52的一样, 还有配音的哦!
Joined filmdom since 1993, has been an artist, dub artist, singer and teach singing.
一九九三年加入电影圈, 当过演员, 配音员, 歌手及歌唱导师。
As an example, imagine that you have to dub an American film for a Spanish audience.
I discovered this one fall morning on the first of many fishing expeditions with Dub.
Along with the scene change, the game will dub in music also the corresponding change.
Another night Dub and Joe fought Spize and made him forego the punishment they deserved.
在巴克的庇护下, 一天晚上派克抢吃了他半条鱼
henceforth, need dub mouse only, solve these difficult problem with respect to hopeful.
When we left the shooting location I rushed to the recording studio to dub for the Pepsi ad.
The USA release of ToA had skit voices disabled entirely because they were too lazy to dub them.

单词 dub 释义

  • 单词释义:给…起绰号;为…配音  [更多..]



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