单词 fester 例句大全,用单词fester造句:

Otherwise the crisis will fester, said Thitinan Pongsudhirak.
Wounds will fester if the inflammation is not reduced in time.
Now let me dispel a few rumors so they don't fester into facts.
我首先要消除一些谣言, 免得误人子弟。
It can fester in those wide open spaces for thousands of years.
This allowed lack of trust in the US financial system to fester.
A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever.
Much more difficult are the hidden maladies that fester in our hearts.
Sty is inflammation of sex of fester of acute of eyelid board gland inside.
Investigation Diagnosis and Prevention and Cure on Infectious Fester in Sheep
London ist auch der Ort, wo die Schokolade erstmals in fester Form auftaucht.
It treats the symptoms of social discontent while leaving the causes to fester.
这种做法只针对社会不满的表面症状, 却任由病根溃烂。
Please do not directly pastes it to skin of the ulcer, the fester and the wound.
请勿直接贴于溃疡性, 化脓性, 创伤之皮肤。
Nurse The bedsore is the fester of skins, muscles and even the bones are involved.
护士褥疮就是皮肤肌肉的坏死, 甚至累及骨骼。
If you allow them to, negative thoughts can fester and lead to serious depression.
要是你任由消极的思想蔓延, 你就会陷入严重的沮丧情绪。
There is still plenty of scope for rows over strategy, and for resentments to fester.
Jason Maggie, anger is not something that should be left inside to seethe and fester.
Scantily clad girl fingers were red and swollen fester, let the people of Dayton compassion.
Observation on the histopathology of skin fester disease of the Chinese soft shelled turtle.
A Tentative study on the muscle fester disease and its prevention in Spinibarbus sinensis Bleeker
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of dexamethasone in treating infantile fester tonsillitis.
Thrum of the lining after appendicitis operation art causes repellent reaction, affect fester, how to do.
Cusp shoe still can cause mallet state toe or embed armour , cause inflammation, red ache, fester to wait.
尖头鞋还会造成槌状趾或嵌甲, 引起炎症, 红肿疼痛, 化脓等。
Those of the body are easy to treat. Much more difficult are the hidden maladies that fester in our hearts.
She can pick up immediately on problems, concerns, or issue and take care of them before they fester or grow.
在事情和问题发生并发展之前, 他可以迅速的发现他们。
For the truth is that unless we can forgive, we can never recover.Our wounds will continue to fester and never heal.
如果满怀仇恨, 心中的伤口就会逐渐溃烂, 无法愈合。

单词 fester 释义

  • 单词释义:化脓,溃烂;腐烂,腐败;激起怨忿,引起创痛;使衰败  [更多..]



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