The shop was shut upand the owners had clearly done a moonlight flit.
That was absolutely perfect and the balance of things Flit been added.
At times he saw shadows flit across them, and his heart began to beat.
有时见到人影在窗子里走动, 他的心便跳个不停。
These brightly coloured insects flit about above the surface of the water.
Every so often something would flit like a golden spasm from pine to pine.
One morning his creditors discovered he had done a moonlight flit and vanished.
一天早晨, 他的债主们发现他已连夜逃走, 不知去向。
By random chance, a particleantiparticle pair can flit into existence straddling the event horizon.
A huge amount of our mental activity takes place behind the scenes that flit through our consciousness.
The MAV is most useful in urban environments, where it can quickly flit around buildings and other obstacles.
Fireflies flit in the bush near the driedup pond, and bamboo branches fling their shadows on the grassgrown path.
萤虫在涸池边的草里闪烁, 竹影在荒芜的小径上摇曳。
Watch as jungle birds, big cats, primates and butterflies fly, climb, stalk and flit among gently swaying jungle folliage.
作为丛林的鸟, 在温和地摇摆丛林的的大猫, 蝴蝶, 苍蝇。