单词 flagged 例句大全,用单词flagged造句:

They flagged down a cab and took him to the hospital.
A policeman flagged down the car with his flash light.
The streets were flagged to celebrate the royal wedding.
街上挂起了旗子, 庆祝皇室婚礼。
Does not suggest the word as a correction to a flagged word.
Zapper Fuel is now flagged as a Sunken Temple dungeon quest.
现在显示为沉没的神庙任务, 而不是环形山任务。
Any subscriber flagged as unregistered will not be notified.
If it does not, the certificate should be flagged as suspect.
Show dimmed flagged notes in the Note Flags Summary task pane
He simply flagged those issues that he didn't want to discuss.
Click a flagged note to jump to it in the context of your notes.
Some people's strength had flagged by the third week of walking.
步行到第三个星期, 一些人都已经疲乏无力了。
Police motorcycles flagged down every car in the surrounding area.
Its strange Your email is being flagged as spam by my mailing system.
真奇怪, 我的邮件系统把你的邮件标为了垃圾邮件。
The doctor flagged down a passing car and got a ride to the hospital.
医生挥手截住一辆汽车, 搭车上医院。
Still, Powell's confidence never flagged, and this week it was brimming.
Flagged, flag. Ging, flags flagging parts of a manuscript for later review
Arriving at the location, Mr. Sun was flagged down by a man who hopped in.
到达指定地点后, 一名男子挥手让孙中界停车并跳上了车。
Account suspension occurs when an account is flagged for suspicious activity.
帐户被标记为可疑活动时, 就会发生帐户受。
The call is flagged as ambiguous because no best viable function can be found.
因为找不到最佳可行函数, 所以将该调用标记为有二义性的。
I was driving along Holland Park Avenue when I was flagged down by three women.
我正沿着荷兰公园大道行驶时, 有三个妇女招呼我停车。
Your account may be deleted or flagged for fraudulent activities in the process.
Thank you for recording the details of the flagged wader that was recently sighted.
Several weapons that are picks have been flagged as counting as a Mining pick as well.
Some companies have even been flagged for lying about the nutrition facts on their boxes.
Andrew crossed to a bookshelf and pulled down several volumes flagged with slips of paper.
安德鲁走到书架前, 抽出好几本书, 上面都夹着小纸条。

单词 flagged 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.(已醉得)不能再喝的  [更多..]



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